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Song of the Chapter: Made you look - Meghan Trainor


Aimee's POV

I am walking around in the San Antonio arena on Friday afternoon, familiarising myself with where the crowd will be. It's one of the ways for me to calm my nerves a bit on show days. My concert preparations, however, are interrupted by my phone ringing. I sigh as I look down at the unknown number on my screen. I know I shouldn't be picking up those numbers, probably another journalist who got it via via. Trying to get some kind of awesome interview by ambushing me. I look down at the screen one more time, before my curiosity gets the better of me and I press accept on my screen.

"Hi." I say into the phone, not wanting to expose myself too much.

"Aimee?" The voice on the other end asks, it sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't really place it.

"Yeah, who's this?" I wonder.

"Good, it's Charles I'm here with Max." The monegasque says, that's why the voice sounded familiar. Not sure why Max isn't using his phone to call me.

"What's wrong?" I ask, immediately thinking the worst.

"Nothing." Max says quickly. "We just wanted to ask you something."

"Okay?" I says, hoping they understand this is the right time to ask the question.

"Are you sure you can't come tomorrow or on Sunday?" Charles asks, and I know it might be time to come clean and show that I've got Paddock passes for both days.

"Why?" I ask, trying to get more information for my benefit.

"We can't say exactly." Max says.

"But we can say there's a certain someone that's very sad, you won't be coming to the race." Charles adds.

"He's sad?" I ask, knowing they're talking about Lando.

"He just really hoped you guys could spend some more time together." Max explains.

I sigh. "It wasn't my plan to make him sad." I say into the phone.

"We know, but the guy just really likes you." Charles blurts out, and I can hear Max slapping him.

"You weren't supposed to say that." Max says and I chuckle.

"But it might get Aimee there, won't it." Charles states.

"I was already coming." I say into the phone. No response on the other side. "I've got a paddock pass for tomorrow afternoon and Sunday. I wanted to surprise Lando, I didn't think he'd get this upset with me for not coming."

"Well, let me know when you arrive because I want to see his face." Charles says.

"And so do I." An unfamiliar voice chimes.

"And apparently so does Carlos." Max explains, so I know who the voice belongs to.

We say good bye before I have to get ready for tonight's concert.


"I'm happy this concert doesn't start until nine." I tell Ava as she's driving us to COTA.

"Well I'm hoping you two actually talk about something this time. Instead of making it more awkward." She says, keeping her eyes on the road.

"So do I to be honest. But if I've got to believe Max and Charles he does like me." I explain to Ava. Somehow the conversation after my concert left me extremely confused.

"You thought the guy didn't like you? The both of you have been glued to your phones for the past whatever it is." Ava says laughing.

"Shut up." I can feel my cheeks burning up.

Getting out of the car at COTA, I take out my phone, calling Charles. A female picks up the phone.

"Aimee? Let me go get Charles." The female I think is his girlfriend says. "Hi, Aimee." Charles then says into the phone. "I'm sorry Charlotte picked up the phone." He says confirming my suspicion at the girl being his girlfriend.

"Hi, I'm here, about to enter through the paddock gates." I say.

"Lemme get there right now." He says and as I'm swiping my card I can see him walking there from the Ferrari garage.

"Hi," I say exchanging a quick hug with Charles, before introducing myself to Charlotte.

"So you're ready to surprise Lando?" Charles asks an excited grin on his face.

"I am." I tell him, Ava had decided to go into Austin rather than joining me. Leaving me with only the monegasque and his girlfriend.

"He couldn't shut up about you yesterday." Charlotte says. "I arrived yesterday and we hung out, most of us. But Lando just kept talking about you to whomever wanted to hear."

I can feel electricity running through my veins. The thought of Lando talking about me, making me nervous. "Well, I'm not surprised about the rumours after Wednesday now." I say with a chuckle making the couple laugh.

As Charles and Charlotte help me make my way toward the McLaren garage, we spot Max. Who's quick to join us, Kelly there as well. I exchange a quick introduction, before we're spotted by George as well. George joins us as well, his girlfriend Carmen not present for the race.

"Let me get Carlos real quick." Charles says as we're standing in between the Mercedes and Ferrari hospitality.

"You must be Aimee, the girl Lando can't shut up about." Carlos says, before properly introducing himself by shaking my hand. "I'm Carlos."

"Aimee, but you already knew that." I say with a chuckle.

The whole bunch of us make our way over to McLaren hospitality where Daniel is already waiting for us outside. Guess word travels fast in the paddock.

"Do you know where he is?" I ask Daniel, I know they are teammates so he might have some indication.

"I do," Daniel says a huge grin on his face. Clearly excited for all this. "He's going over some data with his race engineer, but he's informed so it's okay for us to barge in." Daniel explains.

Daniel leads the way to the McLaren garage, but even before we enter I spot Lando's familiar dark hair. Everyone stays outside of the garage as I'm being pushed forward. I seem to take forever, but luckily for me Lando seems oblivious to everything. I take a deep breath before tapping Lando's shoulder.

Here goes nothing.

Edited 3-11-2023

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