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Song of the Chapter: Heartache on the Big Screen by 5 Seconds of Summer


"What the actual fuck! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I yell, pushing Jonas away from me. "What the fuck Jonas, you can't just walk up to someone and kiss them. It's disgusting." I can feel the anger rushing through my veins as I yell at him. 

He just looks at me, not saying anything.

"And now you can't say anything Jonas?" I yell disbelief in my voice. This guy is crazy. I hadn't even realised he was here, hadn't said a word to him. And the guy just walks up to me from behind and kisses me. That is just not okay. Whilst yelling at him, I know I'm attracting a crowd but in this moment I don't care. "You're insane." I yell at him once again.

He steps closer to me, trying to put a hand on my shoulder, but I swat it away. "Get the fuck away from me." I hiss. "You're not welcome here." I have to use every last bit of restraint I've got in me not to get physical with him. My anger still rising. 

"This is a public club, I'm welcome here." He says, a smug look on his face.

You've got to be kidding. This guy really doesn't know when to stop, does he? 

"Then go to the public side, get the hell away from this area. This is a private party." I say pointing at the ropes separating the vip area from the rest of the room.

"Make me." That's it, I'm seriously loosing it.

I lunge forward, pushing him against the rope, making him trip. I turn around, Ava already standing behind me. Arms crossed over one another as she takes in the scene in front of her. "We're leaving." She says, guiding me out of the club.

The media is gonna have a field day with this.

Ava leads me to the driver that was supposed to pick us up much later than the current time. However, as soon as she saw Jonas arriving she had called him to come pick us up. Knowing very well there would be something happening that would mess with the party. Neither of us feeling the want to stay at the party when he ruined it. And she was right. 


Aimee Halstead spotted kissing with ex-boyfriend Jonas Lion

Last night Aimee Halstead was spotted partying with most of the crew that accompanies her during her ongoing US tour. Even ex-boyfriend Jonas Lion was spotted there. Jonas has been seen at multiple concerts of her this tour, and it is rumoured the two might be getting back together. People at the club last night even confirmed that the two were more touchy than usual, even sharing a passionate kiss, as you can see in the picture below.

What do you think? Can we expect more of this couple in the future?

What the heck? This is seriously what they're going with? The don't even have the slightest bit of context to the story. I sigh, continuing to scroll on Twitter. my eyes landing on another article, one that clearly captured more of the truth.

Aimee Halstead and Jonas Lion: It's really over! (VIDEO)

Aimee Halstead was out celebrating her tour with many people that are accompanying her while in the USA. The evening probably didn't go as Halstead expected, as you can see in the video below.

While she was thoroughly enjoying her evening, ex-boyfriend Jonas walks up to her. He wraps his hands around his waist, turning her around and placing his lips firmly on hers. Halstead, on her turn, pushes him away and starts yelling at him. The fight ended with Aimee pushing Jonas over the velvet ropes.

To us this looks like they won't ever get back together. Aimee definitely was not enjoying what Jonas did. And to be honest we think it was very intrusive. What do you guys think about this?

Great more sensation, but at least they seem to be on my side. It is then that I decide Jonas is never going to attend any of my concerts anymore. Confidently, I pick up my phone dialling Ava's number. "Ava." I say into the phone as Ava picks up. "He's not welcome, at any concert." I say Ava just agrees, telling me she has to make some arrangements for it, before hanging up.

I then look at my phone. Lando must be awake, he must've seen it by now. But I can't get myself to call him. It feels like I betrayed the agreement we had, even though I did nothing to actually betray it. It was Jonas who blindsided me, and made me betray the agreement I have with Lando. He hasn't even attempted to call or text me either, maybe it's for the better if I don't text or call him either.

After being absorbed in my thoughts for too long, I decide it's time to pack my bags. It's time to get ready to get back in the bus. Boston is our next stop for the tour. Once I've packed all my suitcases, I carry my bags downstairs, Ava already waiting at our tour bus.

"Did you do it?" I ask, loading my bags into the bus. Making sure I don't have to see Jonas anytime soon being one of the most important things on my mind. 

"I did, Jonas Lion is officially on our ban list." Ava confirms, a small smile forming on my face.

"Good." I sit down on the couch in our bus, twisting my phone in my hand. Lando still hasn't reached out to me.

"Why don't you call him?" Ava asks taking a seat next to me, clearly aware of what is bothering me.

"Because I don't think he wants to hear from me right now." I say, unsure of my own words. I just don't want to hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Maybe that is all he really wants to hear." Ava says, "you promised to be clear to one another. You promised to keep talking. Just call him. What's the worst that can happen?"

He could be mad at me? Want nothing to do with me?

"I don't know." I say shyly.

"Just do it Aims. I'm sure he'd be happy to hear your voice." I sigh, not sure what to do.

I know it's a freaking short chapter, but I feel like we need to see this situation from Lando's side. So that's where we are going next chapter.

*Edited 6-11-2023*

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