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Song of the Chapter: Celestial by Ed Sheeran


Lando's POV

"We're doing what exactly tonight?" Daniel asks me, as I'm standing in front of him with five VIP tickets to Aimee's concert. This is probably the most stupid idea I've had in a while.

"We're going to watch Aimee perform." I tell him in all seriousness.

"And why do I have to go and join your booty call exactly?"

"It is not a booty call." I say, "And Max, George and Charles are coming too. Just come. I got five tickets and Carlos ditched me."

"Fine." Daniel sighs. "But I choose where we have dinner."

I agree with Daniel, he probably knows the best restaurants in the area anyway. I mean the guy lives for America, Texas even more.

"Lando, can you please explain to us why we're going to Max' neighbours concert. And why you're the one with VIP tickets?" Charles asks as we're driving to Dallas, all of them still bugging me on why we're going to the concert.

"For the same reason you fly home as many times as you can, when Charlotte's not with you." Daniel answers a smile on his face. This guy really can't keep a secret.

"I told you this isn't a booty call." I defend myself.

"Oh, what else would you call this then?" Max says defending Daniel, making everyone laugh at my expense.

"I don't know. Going to support a friend?!" I snap.

"You're totally into her." George says poking my side.

"Am not." I defend myself.

"No need to defend yourself Lan." Charles chuckles. "We've all been there."

"Fine." I huff. "I like her, but all we've done is speak over the phone. There's nothing more really."


We pull up to the arena, taking the side entrance to the floor as Ava had explained to me. It was a way to not have to interact with fans that much. Just so we could really have a night out, without having to many interruptions.

Turns out Daniel really knew a good barbecue place nearby, and we made it just in time for the concert to start.

Aimee takes the stage welcoming everyone to the concert, her appearance bright as always.

"Mate, she's really good at this." Charles says to me, as we're watching her perform. Many of us humming along to her songs, most of them well known by now.

I have to hold back a bit, I can't admit that I've been listening to her on repeat for the last few weeks. The lyrics to her songs stuck in my head.

Aimee then sits down on a chair in the middle of the stage, starting one of her slower songs. She seems to notice us for the first time right then and there. A smile appearing on her face as we make eye contact. I can feel the butterflies going through my body.

I'm really falling for this girl.

Once the concert is finished, Ava rushes to us, motioning to follow her backstage.

"This is her dressing room, but she has to do a small meet & greet first." Ava explains walking into a huge dressing room. It's enormous compared to our drivers rooms.

"So what are you planning on doing when she walks in here?" Max asks a sly grin on his face.

"I honestly have no idea." I say scratching the back of my neck. I hadn't thought about this at all.

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