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Song of the Chapter: Made in the USA by Demi Lovato


"Are you sure you've got everything?" Ava asks me as I'm standing in the hallway of my Monaco apartment. Three extremely full suitcases in front of me.

"I hope so." Packing for this tour was extremely difficult. Not only will I be gone for three months. But the United States is so big, there's so many different climates and on top of that we'll be enduring the switch from summer to winter as well. 

"You better," Ava says with a laugh. Even she knows I'll probably get more things while we're there. There's just so much fun stuff to purchase in the USA. "Now let's go." Ava leads me to the van waiting outside. Blinded windows are definitely a must. Yes, I'm walking through the Monaco streets quite casually. The Nice Airport, however, is a completely different environment. 

We drive to the airport, the taxi driver fairly unaware of who I am. I couldn't help but notice how he was jamming along to one of my songs on the radio though. Even after three years in the spotlight, it was still something I could not get used to. People knowing the words to my songs, people getting to enjoy the music I make. It is still all too foreign to me. 

As we get to the VIP entrance of the airport, there's someone waiting for us to get us to the plane quick. We're a little late, but also travelling as a VIP I don't need as much time as regular passengers. We're about to board the plane when I feel my phone vibrating. 

Hi it's Lando! Max gave me your number.

Wanted to wish you best of luck with your tour :)

A smile spreads on my face, how thoughtful of him. We hadn't really ran into each other after our evening earlier this week. And to be honest, that night kept playing in my mind over and over again. It finally felt like there was someone who understood how it was being in the spotlight. Especially when it came to the struggles I'd been facing.

Thanks Lando!

Boarding the plane now :)

I send him an extra text, just because I felt like it. Secretly hoping that I could start up our conversations again. Conversations will have to wait until we land in LA.  I put my phone into my pocket, before taking a seat in the business seat that was reserved for me. 

"What's got you all smiley?" Ava asks as she takes her business seat next to me. I hadn't realised I was smiling that obvious.

"Oh you know. Just really excited for this tour to start." It wasn't really a lie, but it wasn't the complete truth. My smile did get brighter with the mention of the tour though, hoping it was enough to get Ava to believe it. 

"Hmm." Ava says, putting her headphones on. Something we always do when on long flights. We barely talk, mainly because we'd get too annoyed with each other. And we've got a whole tour to survive together. For now, her putting her headphones on means she's letting me smiling slide as well. Relieve washing over my body. 

The flight from Nice to Los Angeles seems to be one that's never ending. But what did I expect, flying to literally the other side of the world. I sigh, as the monitor says we'll still be flying for another two hours.

I open my laptop, lucky with the wifi this flight does have. I fire up my VPN, before opening YouTube. Before I know it, I'm in too far. Taking interest in F1 to another level. I might've like watching it before. But I'd never really put any thought into the people in the cars. I just liked the racing.

And that's how I ended up watching the entire play list of Grill The Grid on the F1 YouTube Channel. Some drivers are real talents in front of the camera, there's also plenty of drivers that don't really enjoy it much and aren't afraid to show it.

"So how much have you learned about Max?" Ava asks as I close my laptop, the pilot announcing we'll be making our descent soon.

"Max?" I look at her confused, not really knowing what she means with her comment.

"Yeah, he's the one texting you right?" She asked.

"No, he's got a girlfriend. And he's just watching my place, because it's right across the street from his." I explain, now it was Ava's time to be confused.

"Ugh, I was certain it was Max who made you smile like that." She says, buckling her seat belt.

I really needed to try better to keep people from figuring out about Lando and I. Even though we were just starting to become friends. We both felt like people shouldn't know.

We didn't want this to blow up the media. The media are very good at making even the slightest relationship burst. Even if it is just a friendship. 

Los Angeles in the beginning of October is a lot warmer then I had anticipated. And here I am wearing a freaking hoodie. "Let me go change." I tell Ava, grabbing my carry on and going into the airport bathroom. Really craving something less hot to get through the day. 

I take a t-shirt from my carry-on. Removing the hoodie and putting the lighter fabric on my body. Feeling more relaxed instantly. I then decide it's time to open my phone.

My attention is immediately taken by a certain someone who had messaged me.

Have a good flight :) Let me know when you're safe to the ground.

When's your first concert by the way?

Touched the ground safely. LA is hot.

And it's tomorrow, Wednesday US time.

I look at my phone, silently facepalming myself. Timezones are stupid, and it would probably mean I won't get a response from Lando anytime soon. I put my phone away. Putting the hoodie in my carry-on, leaving the bathroom to catch up with Ava again.

We are driven to the hotel. Passing different posters with my face on it on the way there, announcing my concert tomorrow. I really won't ever get used to that.


edited 28-08-2023

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