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Song of the Chapter: I'm good(Blue) by David Guetta & Bebe Rexha


"Thank you Seattle!" I yell through the microphone after the encore. Looking at the VIP Area where the people I've grown attached to over the last few months are all sitting. Even Martin Garrix got out of his way to come. Max very happy to see his good friend as well. I smile brightly, very happy this tour went so well.

I quickly leave the stage, to the dressing room. Freshening up before the small Meet and Greet I still had to do. Before I could actually go and enjoy the wrap up party happening at the club across the street. You could tell the core of the technicians are also excited to be going there. All working just slightly quicker than I am used to. All in all we all seem very happy to be done with it. 

I try to get through the Meet and Greet as quickly as possible, but it all still took an hour. I didn't want to make it seem rushed to the fans, so I still took longer than we had planned with most of them. But I don't really mind, they pay a whole lot of money to meet me, so I want them to feel like it's worth it.

Ava and one of the club's bodyguards guide me to the entrance of the club, leading me to the VIP deck on the third floor. Completely sealed off from people that were not invited by me. I scan the room, locating Lando first. Going over to him for a quick hug, making sure not to be too affectionate. Not sure what people around us would do with the information.

"You were amazing." He says, loosening his grip on me, placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks." I say, giving him a genuine smile. "I'm happy it's all over now. I could use the break before the next tour kicks off in May."

"I'm proud of you." He says, before leading me to the rest of the group. All of them already holding a drink and dancing to the music. They however take some time from their dancing to congratulate me on everything.

After a few numbers the DJ starts playing a much slower song. Most of the crew leaving the dance floor. I however decide that I want to enjoy the moment. I'll take care of the after math later. "Dance with me?" I ask Lando as he is about to leave the dance floor. A smile spreading across his face. We stand on the dance floor close together, swaying to the music. My hands in Lando's neck, his hands on my lower back. I stare into his eyes, seriously enjoying the moment.

That is until Lando gets pulled away from me by someone very familiar to me. "What the heck!" I yell at the Jonas who's standing intimidatingly close to Lando. "Jonas? What the heck are you doing here?!"

"You tell me that. Why are you dancing with him?" He yells at me.

"Why do you care?" I ask him. "We're not together. You're not even welcome here." I yell, blood boiling.

"That doesn't mean you can go and dance with other guys." He says, closing in on me, grabbing my hand tightly.

"Yes, it does Jonas. Nothing is ever happening between us again." I say looking at him, his grip tightening on my. "Now get the fuck away." I say trying to get away from his grip, it however is too strong for me. "Let me go Jonas." I yell, the least bit of calmth in my body fading. Anxiety taking over as I'm unsure of getting out of his grip. 

"Never" He says trying to drag me away. But that's when not only Lando, but also Max, Daniel and Martin decide to step in.

"Let her go." Max hisses, blocking his way.

"She belongs with me." Jonas says sternly. This guy is seriously crazy.

"She doesn't. She's very much her own person." Daniel states. I make eye contact with Lando, I can tell he's doing his best to restrain himself. Not wanting to hurt himself, because he will if he does what he wants.

"Just let me go, Jonas." I say. Wrong choice of words, clearly. Because he tightens his grip twisting my wrist almost completely, I didn't even think that was possible.

"There he is." I hear Ava say, from behind the four boys pointing at my direction. Relieved to see two cops appearing with her. The cops step in, forcefully removing Jonas' grip on my arm. Taking him away from us. It is then that I realise this situation has taken a toll on me. I collapse down to the ground. Pulling my knees up to my body, as I can feel tears streaming down my face.

Lando takes a seat on the dirty ground next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. I lean into him, letting him comfort me. I just let the tears come, trying to comprehend the situation. Not sure what would've happened if the boys didn't keep him here. Not sure what would've happened if they hadn't intervened. Where would he have brought me?

I get pulled out of my thoughts, when a paramedic crouches down next to me. "You're Aimee right?" She asks, I just nod. "Are you alright with me checking you out a bit?" I nod, barely understanding the situation. "Just let me know if it hurts." She says as she starts pressing different parts of my wrist. I hadn't realised it was already this bruised, I hadn't even realised it was hurting this much.

"Fuck." I hiss as she presses the side of my wrist. "That really hurts." I say, feeling more tears well up in my eyes.

"Alright," The paramedic says. "I can't confirm that it isn't broken. I recommend you go to the emergency room. Just to get it checked out." I nod at her, Lando listening along as well. He has held my left hand all this time. "Just make sure she stays calm, okay? You're staying with her?" The paramedic asks Lando who confirms before she leaves.

"I want a restraining order. He's never coming near me ever again." I say as Ava comes to me and Lando.

"Working on it already. But you've really got to get that checked out." She points at the wrist. "I haven't had a drink yet, I'll drive you." Ava says and I just nod, following her. Therefore, pulling Lando along with us, as I'm still holding his hand with my left.


Arriving at the hospital, a group of reporters had already formed at the entrance. How the heck do they always figure these things out? Especially this fast. I sigh to myself, before Lando and I get out of the car. Not holding hands anymore. But I think the fact that we're here together might already give some things away.

I can hear the cameras clicking as we make our way in. We had called ahead, and the hospital was quick to comply with giving me a bit of a faster treatment. Leading me to the x-rays immediately. Then placing me in a room, where the doctor would come and talk to me later. Grateful for the privacy they give me, I sit down on one of the chairs.

"I hate hospitals." I say as Lando and I are waiting for the doctor. "I just simply hate them."

"I don't think there's anyone who likes them." He chuckles.

"I just don't hope it's broken. It's my right wrist, I'm right handed. I wouldn't be able to do the simplest of things by myself." I complain.

"I'll help you, Max and Kelly will, Charlotte will, Charles too probably. You've got a support system in Monaco. It'll all be okay." He soothes me, when finally the doctor appears.

"Hi Miss Halstead," The doctor says sitting down in the chair across from us.

"Hi." I say, suddenly nervous for the results.

"Unfortunately, I've got some bad news. There's a minor fracture in your wrist. A fracture we see more often in assault victims." Assault? Did he really just say assault? "Luckily, two weeks in a cast should be sufficient to treat it. So that's what we're going to do now, I'll coordinate with your doctor back home. What colour cast would you like?"

I sigh. I was feeling on top of the world this evening. Where did it go so wrong.


edited 6/12/2023

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