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Song of the Chapter: Walking the wire by Imagine Dragons


Aimee's POV

Somehow Lando and I ended up in this comfortable routine. I was sixteen hours behind in time, while he was racing in Singapore. So after his race on Sunday, it was actually still really late on Saturday evening for me.

I rushed off the stage, secretly hoping I'd manage to see the last bit of the race. Tonight's San Fransisco crowd was amazing, but I can't help but feel excited to be going to Las Vegas and then Arizona next. Discovering the different parts of this huge country is definitely fun. 

"You did well!" Ava says as I get into the dressing room, handing me a bottle of water. She knows that I like to have some time alone after a concert. Needing to calm my body down a bit.

I quickly open my laptop, opening F1TV. Raindrops evident on the screen, that was exactly what Lando had been afraid of when we were calling last night. He liked driving in the rain, being fairly good at it, but the Singapore Circuit wasn't one he'd liked to drive in the rain. 

Clearly, it wasn't raining hard enough, drivers still going around. I notice the yellow flag notification in the upper left corner, before the camera switches to a shot of a car in the wall.

"Shit," I whisper to myself as I realise it is one of the McLaren cars that'd just crashed. My heart picks up in beats, and I start to feel a little worried. Don't let it be Lando. I look at the left side of the screen, seeing Lando's name drop down in the rankings. 

The camera zooms in on the papaya car in the wall, and I see the number four on the nose of the car. Confirming what I'd already been thinking. Lando had crashed.


I couldn't get myself to watch the rewatch. Keeping my eyes away from the screen, until the commentator announces that Lando was making his way back to the medical centre, and he seemed fine.

Thank god.

I grab my phone. I'm not gonna call him, he'll probably won't be able to answer anyway. He'll have to get checked in the medical centre, interviews after that. A text won't hurt though. 

I was watching.

Are you okay? Seemed like a big one.

I look at my phone, secretly hoping he'd be replying soon. But who am I kidding, going to the medical centre usually takes up quite some time.

I tuck my phone away, grabbing my belongings before making my way out of the dressing room.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Ava asks walking with me to the exit of the arena.

"I am, don't worry. Just a heavy crash in F1." I tell her, she knows I like to watch a bit if I get the chance.

"Hmm." She hums. Clearly not believing it, I can even see her checking her phone for the F1 live blog. She's really onto this, whatever this is. "So we're going out for drinks, you'd like to come with us?" Ava asks probably referring to the rest of the crew with 'us'.

"I'd rather get some rest in." I tell her, not feeling like going out right now. Especially not while I don't know how Lando's doing.

"Are you sure? Some distraction could be good as well." Ava says. "You don't have to drink anything, go for a virgin mojito or another mocktail."

I sigh, she's right. Sitting all alone in my hotel room wouldn't do me much good either. "Fine." I tell her, following her to a cab that was bringing us to a club.

I am enjoying the sight of pretty much the whole crew dancing and jumping around. Really celebrating that we won't have another show until Wednesday. Giving us some time to relax, before taking the stage in Las Vegas for three consecutive nights.

I take another sip from my Mojito, when the screen of my phone lights up. I look at it, hopeful to see Lando's name appear. It is, however, that of another F1 driver.


I hadn't noticed I was this desperate for news, until I actually answered the call. Going outside for a bit.

"Max?" I ask into the phone.

"Aimee." He sounds relieved that I picked up the phone.

"Is he okay?" I ask him, hoping Lando had told him we'd been speaking.

"That's why I'm calling, actually. He's back in his hotel, but left his phone at the track. Daniel is picking it up as we speak. But he insisted we'd call you." Max says.

"Okay?" I say not satisfied with the information Max was giving me. "But how is he."

"I'll let him answer that." He says before I hear some ruffling, I can hear Lando moan in the background he's clearly in pain.

"Aimee." Lando says over the phone, I can hear the pain in his voice. "How was the concert?"

"I don't think you're supposed to be the one asking how things went." I say with a light chuckle, making him laugh a bit too. I can hear that it hurts him though. "How are you doing."

"A little sore." Lando admits. "But I'm hoping I can drive on Friday in Japan."

"Lando, I can hear in how much pain you are. Take care of yourself first please." I say, really caring for how he's feeling. He won't put his body through the pain of driving while already in pain, would he? 

"You'd sing too, when your throat is sore." He says, trying to make me realise that not racing wasn't really an option. Using an example closer to me to make me realise that. 

"Fine, but please don't over stretch yourself. Go get some rest now." I tell him, not wanting to talk to him with Max in the room. I don't know what he's told Max, but I think it's best to keep things as platonic as possible around others. 

"I will," He says softly. "Good night."

"Good night." I say, before putting my phone away. I couldn't help but feel relieved I had actually gotten the chance to speak to him a bit. It made my nerves calm down a bit.

It also made me realise that I shouldn't get too attached to Lando. His way of life not suitable for me. I can't get this scared every time he goes on track. He does this for a living, he's on track 5 times a weekend, half of the year. 


Edited 28-08-2023

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