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Song of the Chapter: Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons


Lando's POV

"Fuck, that hurts." I whimper in pain as the doctor in the medical centre pulls my ankle, examining my body after the crash I just had.

"I don't think it's broken." He says. "But we'll be taking x-rays in case it is."

I sigh, racing with a broken ankle would be impossible. At least if it's not possible I could get into the car next week. 

"Furthermore, you have a small concussion. But nothing else. You will be sore for the next couple of days to a week." At least that's good news. I hit the barrier pretty hard.

I'm taken to the x-ray room, the doctors quickly taking my x-rays.

"Alright, good news Lando. It's not broken, just bruised. Keep your weight off of it as much as possible for the coming days and it'll all be good." I sigh in relieve.

I'm escorted out of the medical centre by a McLaren employee, bringing me back to my hotel. I didn't want to go back to the track. Not ready to face the stupid mistake that made me lose control yet. Not ready to watch the mechanics that would have to check the car and fix everything for the next race. 

I'm relieved to see Max and Daniel sitting in the lounge area of the hotel, when I arrive. I tell the McLaren employee I'll be fine, as I try to walk as normal as possible to Max and Daniel. Pain going through my body, with every step I take. Maybe I should've taken the crutches they offered me in the medical centre. 

"Can we just go up to my room?" I ask as they rush to my side to help me walk. Both quickly agreeing to my suggestion.

The elevator ride to my room seemed to take forever. My ankle definitely not comfortable holding my weight up.

"I got all cleared," I explain opening the hotel door. "But need to take it easy for the next few days."

"Good, now what do you want us to do?" Max asks me, as I make my way to the bed.

"Get my phone. I need to call Aimee." I say, pointing at my backpack receiving curious smiles from both boys. They're so gonna question me about this, the two of them always too invested in the women in my life. Daniel hands me my backpack, and I ruffle through it. I can't seem to find it. And then it hits me.

It's charging in the motorhome. I hadn't put it into the bag, before the race.

"Daniel can you go get it from the McLaren motorhome. I clearly haven't put it in my bag." I say, disappointment audible in my voice. I really wanted to let Aimee know I was fine, but more importantly I wanted to hear how her concert went.

"Sure thing." Daniel says, winking at Max before leaving the room.

"Can you please call Aimee for me?" I ask Max, and he easily complies.


"So are you gonna tell us what's going on between you now?" Daniel asks taking a seat on my bed, handing me my phone and charger.

"Nothing's going on." I try, knowing they won't let it go that easily.

"Yeah right, and I finished last today." Max says sarcastically, like most rain races Max went and got the win.

"Ugh, you're like two teenage girls looking for gossip." I sigh a bit too deep. A sting of pain going through my body.

"And you're being annoying for not answering us." Max chimes.

"Fine. We've been texting and talking a lot, but that's all." I tell them.

"And you're totally into her." Daniel says poking my side, making me whimper in pain.

"I am not." I try to defend myself. But I am not even sure of my own words right now.


Boarding my flight to Tokyo right now. Talk to you in a few hours

I hit send, before putting my phone on airplane mode. Aimee probably asleep, as it's in the middle of the night in Las Vegas. The time difference getting even worse with me in Tokyo. I'll be seventeen hours ahead of her.

The flight from Singapore to Tokyo isn't that long, but I use it to recover a bit more. My body still very sore from the collision with the wall during the race on Sunday.

"Hey Norris! Wake up!" Some one says shoving me, I flinch most of my body still sore on touch. I have no idea how I'll be racing this weekend, but I'm gonna climb into that car.

I slowly open my eyes, seeing George and Charles hanging over their chairs. "We're about to start landing." Charles announces, sitting down in his seat again.

"Thanks for the heads up." I say, slowly waking up.

As the plane lands, I quickly check my phone for the time in Las Vegas. It's almost midnight here. Making it somewhere between six and seven in the morning for Aimee. She probably hasn't responded to my text yet.

I feel a little sad, but I know she needs her rest as well. She's told me her tour was hard on her. Often times being really tired, but she was happy she didn't have any concerts yet. For her tonight will be her first Vegas, and tomorrow morning I'll be there to let her explain it all to me.

As the plane touches down, I remove the airplane mode on my phone. And as I predicted, no message from Aimee yet. But I can send another, right?

Made it to Tokyo safely, can't wait to sleep again tho.

Talk to you tomorrow (that means tonight for you, I believe :))

I smile at my self. I can't wait to see her respond.


Edited: 28-08-2023

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