Emotion Progress 12: Protectiveness

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(Rin's pov)

The next day we were back on the road. The sword kept whispering for me to use it, not being used in a long while, but I ignored its pleas.

Once I use this sword, I know very well that my bloodlust will take over and I'll leave Sasuke's side to find him. We kept sensing for the Akatsuki hideouts and when Karin found one, Sasuke told us to stay, including me.

We were all crouched in front of a small Buda shrine while it drizzled a bit on us.

"Huh? But I thought we were all supposed to come along!" Suigetsu questioned.

"Stop questioning Sasuke-kun!" Karin shouted as she hit him behind his head making him wince in pain. While the three were distracted I whispered to Sasuke.

"Sasuke, I don't think that's a good idea. I should accompany you," I said trying to change his mind, but he just ignored me as he stood up and jumped away.

"Tch. that guy always bothering us around and leaving us out of the fun stuff" Suigetsu scoffed as he crossed his arms. I watched Sasuke disappear into the line of trees before sighing and sitting in meditation style.

I closed my eyes as I pulsed chakara continuously into the ground like I had done at the Southern Hideout.

"Uh, Rin? What're you doing?" Suigetsu asked.

"I'm pulsing my chakara into the ground. It allows me to see Sasuke's chakara form. Like how bats have an echo bounce back at them." I spoke shortly. I was doing good at keeping track of him for the next 10 minutes till he disappeared.

I gasped slightly and stood up straight, Karin having the same worried expression. "What's wrong?" Jugo asked.

"Sasuke's chakara disappeared, but I sense another one," Karin said worriedly while I took off. I went into the direction I last felt his chakra.

I was lead to a cave, the others behind me as we walked in to see Sasuke. He sensed our presence and looked back to us. "What're you doing here?" he asked.

"Karin and Rin felt another chakara so we came to make sure you were okay," Suigetsu answered as he put his hands behind his heads. Sasuke sheathed his sword we hadn't noticed he was holding and walked to us.

"I'm fine, we're getting closer. Let's go." He ordered. The others following him.

Before I walked out, though, something small caught my attention. I bent down and picked up a black raven feather. My eyes narrowed at it and right in time my Scorpion's tail shot out and blocked several kunais headed for me.

I sighed as I closed my eyes. The kunais clanked to the ground.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now