Emotion Progress 13: Secrecy

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(Rin's pov)

I headed back to team Hebi, but as my journey continued on I noticed that all of their chakaras were separated and my clone was also in another area.

I used a transportation jutsu to appear before my clone who was looking off into a distance but looked at me when she felt my chakara. "What happened?" i asked.

"Sasuke was able to track down a Akatsuki member and is fighting him right now. We were all given different jobs in order to not disturb him. Karin is in a nearby village making arrangements, Jugo is standing by and Suigetsu is to summon Orochimaru's serpent. He wants you to be watch out," she reported.

'Summon? What is Sasuke's plan?' I thought to myself before allowing my clone to disappear.

I let my eyes close and chakara pulse through the surrounding area. He was 10 miles away from me. There were two enemies, could tell they were all fighting hard from how their chakaras were almost depleted.

'He's going to lose with two members'i thought as my eyes snapped open and i jumped into the trees, trying to reach Sasuke quickly.

I could feel that i was almost there, i could hear nearby explosions and shouting.

My eyes were narrowed as i put more chakara to my feet, but when i kept jumping a voice brought me out of my trance.

"Don't go there pretty lady! You'll get hurt!" A childish yet grown face screamed from beside me. My narrowed eyes glanced at the man-child Akatsuki member, making me glare.

"Stay out of my way pest." i growled as i jumped farther, thinking i lost him. I didn't feel him near me, but had to jump away on another branch when a kunai was aimed at me and turned to see he was hiding behind a tree.

"Tobi doesn't want pretty lady to get hurt! Tobi is a good boy." he said idiotically as he pointed at himself. My eyes turned to Mou-Moku.

"Tch," i clicked my tongue annoyed before pointing my palm out to him. Roots shout up and covered him entirely making him scream as they brought him into the ground quickly.

I was about to walk away but i stopped and slowly turned to see him standing on a branch nearby, his childish demeanor now disappearing entirely.

"So you're the missing 'Hell's General'" he said in a now low and intimidating voice. 'How did he escape?' i thought as i turned to face him.

"It's best you don't get in Sasuke-kun's way right now, he's fighting one of my subordinates. However, i think that you'll refuse to listen to me." he said in a displeasing yet entertained voice.

My face stayed emotionless as my eyes glowed again, My Scorpion's tails came out of my back while my curse mark began to spread on my skin. My tails started trying attacking him, but they just went through him making my eyes widen and my tails to recede.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now