Emotional Progress 6: Beware

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(Rin's pov) 

Today Orochimaru was supposed to return. Recently I've been hearing faint distant sounds of explosions. Sasuke was currently meditating on top of the snakehead silently and I sat by his side. I then could hear footsteps echoing off the walls of the hideout.

"Sasuke, they're back with someone." I notified. He stayed silent, but I knew he heard me. Soon enough Orochimaru appeared with Kabuto near the door of the training room. 

Sasuke slowly opened his eyes and glared at Orochimaru. "You forgot about our practice, Snake." Sasuke hissed. Kabuto pushed up his glasses. "There you go again with that attitude." Kabuto said annoyed.

Orochimaru let out a slow chuckle. "I'm sorry, but I brought a gift. His name is Sai he's from Konoha." Orochimaru said. Soon a male that reminded me of Sasuke came. The male gave us a fake smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sai. I  think I'll get along with you better than that Naruto."  he said.

Sasuke glared and soon caught Sai in his sharigan. Sai's eyes became wide with fear and he back up and soon tripped over his own two feet. 

"Sasuke-kun!" Kabuto yelled. Sasuke then turned off the genjutsu after a couple minutes. Orochimaru chuckled darkly.

"You should probably be careful of what you say in front of Sasuke-kun or he'll kill you. Same goes for Rin-chan they're both very dangerous." Orochimaru advised evily. Sasuke stood up and jumped off the snake head as he headed to the darkness. 

"Hurry up and train me." Sasuke ordered impatiently. I jumped by Sasuke's side. Sai stood up. "Naruto thought of you as a brother! He really is stupid, but he was so sure he could save you." he said. 

"Naruto huh?" Sasuke muttered darkly. I saw him look darkly at the floor. I soon couldn't take Sasuke being troubled anymore by this person's words. I flashed in front of Sai and punched him hard in the gut. He ended up flying to the wall.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now