Emotion Progress 30: (Past File) Match

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(3rd pov) 

It was noon in the village of demons. It's been nearly a whole day since anyone had last seen Riniko and now her absence was causing people to murmur amongst themselves. Toshi stood on one side of a concrete courtyard, waiting for his little sister while others surrounded the arena. 

Shinji was becoming agitated as him, the Elders and the Priestess sat beside him. "Where is your daughter Shinji?" An elder questioned irritably. Shinji kept a composed expression, although he was just as agitated. 

"She will be here soon. For her sake." He responded with malice. "Oh calm down~" The Priestess cooed as she fanned herself. "I'm sure the young child will be here soon." 

Shinji merely huffed. Shido looked all around for his best friend, but there was no sight of her. 'Where are you Riniko? If you don't get here soon then-'

"Finally decided to show up...Riniko..." 

Toshi's indication of Riniko's sighting caused everyone to become deathly silent while turning their heads. From the other side of the concrete, walked up Riniko. Everyone watched as the small girl dragged an unfamiliar sword behind her, causing a scraping noise.

Her attire and appearance looked disheveled.  

Her hair covered her eyes and they could see she was muttering, but couldn't make out what she was saying. "See, she's here." The Priestess stated rhetorically, a devious smirk appearing on her hidden face. 

Riniko took her stand across her brother with her head tilted down.

Shinji's eyes narrowed, trying to get a better sighting of what sword Riniko held in her hands. Everyone dismissed her odd behavior and stared intently to see what she'd do. 

"I'm glad you didn't run away. I was getting quite bored." Toshi said cockily while spinning his blade between his hands. Riniko continued to lowly mutter, slightly angering the male in front of her. "Oi, what're you saying?" 

Shido stared at his friend and finally noticed something was definitely off about her. Something about her....it felt like something around her.....was releasing a heavy pressure on everyone. His inner demon quivered in fear and anxiousness, making his heart accelerate. 

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now