Emotion Progress 18: Training 1

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(Rin's pov)

The next morning I was taken out of my cell again and placed in a office with the Hokage in front of me. She had her hands interlocked as she leaned forward slightly on her desk. We had just been silently staring at each other while her assistant nervously stood to the side while hugging her pig to her chest.

"Am I in some kind of trouble?" I asked breaking the silence with a raised eyebrow. The Hokage's serious face never changed as she spoke to me.

"We've been looking through your file as well as researching your clan. We only know so little about you adding on common knowledge as well as your conduct yesterday , which was monitored by Yamato and Kakashi yesterday," She started off.

"My conduct? And what exactly has my conduct told you?" I asked with a bland voice as I raised an eyebrow. The Hokage leaned back in her chair while looking at me straight in the eye.

"You've proven that you aren't any threat to us...at least we hope that's what you're trying to prove. In any case, the death penalty was dropped as well as your imprisonment. However, you will still be monitored 24/7 by a ninja of my choice." she explained.

I stayed silent as I gave her a blank stare. "What exactly is it that you want?" I asked getting straight to the point.

She sighed slightly while putting her still interlocked hands down on the armrest of the chair. "Nothing big. In return you are to be part of Team 7, Kakashi-san will be your watch. You are to help the village re-build as well." she said.

'What kind of punishment is that? Why not send me on a mission that could potentially kill me? Is the village just that kind or just that stupid?' I thought totally confused how the village operated.

Nevertheless I nodded. She had a small smile, grabbing her glasses and putting them on, while looking down at her paperwork. "Good. Kakashi-san is right outside waiting for you." She said dismissively. I quietly stood up and went to walk away till she stopped me.

"By the way Rin. You should that it was Yamato and Team 7 that petitioned that your death sentence be canceled." I halted my steps as I took in what she said before proceeding to go outside. When I opened the door, I saw Kakashi standing there reading his perverted book.

When he saw me he closed, put it away, and had a closed eye smile. "Morning Rin." he greeted. I just walked past him, down the hall.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now