Emotion Progress 17: Warmth

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(3rd pov)

Yamato sighed as him and Rin quietly walked around the village. She was released like ordered and given a plain white fighting kimono with a purple obi to go around her waist and the sword still strapped to her back since no one could remove it.

He felt awkward walking her around especially since she had practically tried to kill him on several occasions.

"Do i make you feel uncomfortable?" Rin asked suddenly making Yamato looked down at her since she was almost Sakura's height, a bit shorter.

"Sort of," Yamato said honestly as he scratched the back of his neck, "You did try killing me on several occasions."

"I'm sorry. I was basically following orders, but please rest assure that i mean no harm to you or your village." Rin said in a blunt voice. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up with Orochiamru?" Yamato questioned.

"My brother allowed me to be taken away. i don't want to elaborate any further if you don't mind." She said ending the conversation. Yamato respected her enough to not bring the topic up again. Rin looked around the village and noticed it was broken down and slowly being rebuilt. 

"What happened to your village?" She asked. "We were attacked by the Akatsuki, but we're slowly re-pairing the village." He said looking around with a slightly grim face.

"Hey Yamato can we get some help!" a Ninja called while having his hand. Yamato nodded and asked Rin if she'd come. Rin slowly followed while Yamato still made sure to keep a close eye on her.

"Who's this?" Iruka asked with a smile.

"I'm Rin Yuko. it is nice to meet you." she said politely as she bowed. Yamato watched her with a stunned yet bewildered expression. Every time he saw this teen he'd always see hate and death but now she was liked a tamed animal.

"I'm Iruka. Nice to meet you," Iruka said kindly not knowing who she truly was. "So what do you need help with?" Iruka asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We need to build a few houses of some family and we can't do it fast enough. We're low on help. Do you thin you could lend a hand?" Iruka asked hopefully. Yamato looked hesitant but knew he couldn't turn down someone in need and agreed. He told Rin not to run away or else. 

She complied and made sure to stay near at all times.

Although while she was standing by she noticed 3 kids sitting by a house that was in rebels. they looked like they were all 5 years old while the youngest was 3.

She decidedly walked over without Yamato realizing it.

"What's wrong?" she asked as the kids looked up at her. The oldest looking one was male while the younger ones were females.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now