Emotion Progress 27: Distrust

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(Rin's pov) 

'He really wasn't lying....' I thought solemnly as my eyes faced the ground with my Mou-Moku dulled. Naruto slammed his fist on the wooden cage. "You're lying! That's nonsense!" He shouted angrily. Everyone was in disbelief. "Stop joking. Who would believe in a story like that." Kakashi said.

Madara merely scoffed at their ignorance. "It's not a lie," he assured,"that's the truth about Itachi. He died for Sasuke's sake and for the Hidden Leaf Village." I carefully watched Naruto as his fist clenched. 

'He's starting to realize...' I thought. 

"What does that mean," Kakashi asked," Even if it's true, if Sasuke is aware of this, why would he help Akatsuki? Knowing him, he would've returned to the village to carry on Itachi's will." With that Madara couldn't help but let out a chuckle. 

"That is-"

"A lie." I cut in making Naruto turn towards me. My eyes were casted to the side. "Sasuke-kun is not who you believed he is or was. Despite being his friends and teacher...Sasuke-kun is no Leaf nin." I murmured. 

"Rin... "Naruto's vocie sounded hurt, as if me confirming what Sasuke truly was was a wake up call for him.

"That's right." Madara stated almost proud of the monster he released in Sasuke. Naruto turned back to Madara with pure rage in his eyes. His hands were clenched shut tight and his teeth ground together. "You were badly mistaken of Sasuke-kun's feelings. He's the real thing. A true avenger! "

"Did you...turn Sasuke into that?!" Naruto asked through clenched teeth. 

"No, I didn't." Mdara responded. "Sasuke-kun chose this himself." 

Naruto gasped before bowing his head, leaning it on to the wood while closing his eyes shut. "It's a lie!" he shouted pained. 'He's breaking. The truth about Sasuke...it's breaking him.' I thought as I just stood there and watched Naruto's shaking form.

"I took a gamble too. Would Sasuke carry on Itachi's wishes or would he seek revenge against Konoha? He chose vengeance. In essence, he was meant to be on our side. Sasuke's goal at this moment is to take revenge against Konoha for what they did to Itachi and his clan. "

"Why...Why him....?" Naruto mumbled to himself. " Why did this happen? How could he turn to revenge? " 

'Because Naruto....as long as chakara and the powers of the nation exist - hate will be born. Now what will you do? Yo can't save Sasuke no matter how hard you try. That's the way it is...' 

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now