Emotion Progress 33: Conquering

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Alright,  heres a note so you guys don't get confused. 

Rin is going to be called Noriko, her birth name.

While her sister is going to be called Rin. Kay? Hope you guys don't get too lost. 


(3rd pov)

A female, quite similar yet different to Noriko (Rin), stood in front of her. She had a cunning smirk on her face as she released a spine chilling giggle. 

"I'm so glad to see you after so long. Second Daughter of the Yuko Clan, Noriko." She replied to Noriko's greeting. "Did you enjoy the dream I made for you~?" She asked cheerfully. Noriko released a smirk of her own before taking a small stride to get closer to her twin.

"Mhm. I haven't seen quite a gruesome scene for quite awhile. It's like a rude awakening."

"Hehe, I'm glad. You've been acting so strange ever since you met that boy Sasuke~" 

Noriko stopped in her tracks. Her smirk turned into a thin line. Memories of what happened previously rushed through her mind. She was unconscious, but she was sure she wasn't dead if she hadn't been consumed entirely by the Kurogami. 

"....It seems you and Kurogami-sama have merged quite well." Noriko said, directing the conversation elsewhere. 

She had to get back to her body quick, but she couldn't piss off Rin and the Kurogami during the process. However, by looking at the situation she wasn't going to get out without a fight. 

Rin's body was normal, but the power surrounding her was total different. Since Rin never had a body of her own and is more then a spirit thriving within Noriko, it was only natural that the Kurogami would latch onto her and feed on her. 

Within the Yuko Clan, it takes great power to master a demon. It was almost like mastering a tailed beast that could bring out your desires. 

The only way Noriko had been able to keep some of her sister's will intact was to continue living as a moving vessel for the Kurogami and to kill in order to satisfy his bloodlust. Rin lifted her hands to show the dangling chains that Noriko had placed on her.

"This seal....its quite bothersome. Please remove it."

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now