Emotion progress 7: Destruction

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(3rd pov) 

Team 7 had ended up camping in the same woods they did before, but no one slept. They all laid far from each other. Yamato was fake sleeping in his corner. Sakura was depressed about Sasuke, Naruto was too and Sai was just thinking about all the recent events. 

'Will I really be able to save Sasuke?' Naruto thought. 

'Sasuke-kun changed so much....' Sakura said as she made a tight grip on her blanket. 

'I wonder how Naruto and Sakura are? I wonder what they must be feeling.' Sai thought. 

The night was still as i light wind blew outside the wooden 2 storied house. A figure stood in front of the house at least a couple a feet away. Her short white hair covered her face as she stared at the house. Her blue eyes seeming to glow brightly as she had a blank face on. 

She put put her hand out and struck her palm up, facing the house. "Uproot." she said as light as the wind. 

Inside the house the sound of something cracking echoed. Everyone shot up and looked around. Yamato got on his feet. 'It's her.' he thought. Soon a huge root shot up from the middle of the house. "WOW WHAT THE HELL!" Naruto yelled with wide eyes. 

"Everyone get out!" Yamato yelled. Everyone jumped out with their stuff they quickly gathered. Luckily they all slept in their ninja clothes. They made it just in time. They watched as roots from all sides of the house crushed it and pulled it down to the earth to form a crater. 

"Geez Captain Yamato does your jutsu come with a pack-away timer or something? "Naruto asked tiredly. Sakura got an irk mark and hit him behind the head.  "Naruto shut up." she hissed. 

"That wasn't me..." Yamato said almost breathless. "It was her." Sai finished for Yamato. Everyone turned to see Rin by the trees. Her uniform and hair swaying slightly from the wind. Her eyes were covered by her hair and her head was sort of tilted down.  The silence made her whole being seem scary.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now