Emotion Progress 29 : (Past File) Searching

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(3rd pov)

In the deepest part of her brain, in the darkness laid Rin. A steady pusle of a ripple beneath her. All she wore was a plain kimono as ash laid there curled like a ball.

'What happened? It's so cold...' she thought with a shiver. She brought her knees further into herself to try to keep warm. She slowly opened her eyes, only to be met with darkness. She felt weak. Extremely weak. 

She could barely keep her eyes open. 'I'm back here...again...' She thought a bit annoyed. Rin slowly closed her eyes. "Get it over with..." She muttered. A giggle echoed through the darkness, followed by the sound of a bell. 

"Ja, little sister....let's meet again shall we?" A melodic voice whispered into her ear.

The silence that swallowed Rin was traded with faint bird chirping and the suns rays slowly pierced the darkness.


*Warning: Rin will be called Riniko within the story sometimes*

(Rin's pov)  

I fell the comfort and softness of my bed beneath me and the warmth of the sun nipping at my skin. The smell of the mountain's surrounding greenery penetrating my nose. I slowly opened my eyes to see a light blue sheet. 

I looked at my small hands and slowly clenched them into fists. '....I'm so tired....' 

My door was slid open and was soon followed by a voice. "Riniko-sama, it's time to wake up." I slowly did so. I released a loud yawn and lazily turned to see Hibiki. Me servant and caretaker. He gave me a slight smile before approaching my bed. 

"Young master, you should get up before your father gets angry." He said in a wary tone. My lips instantly pursed before I threw the covers off me. "Yea you're right.." I muttered. 

I am the Princess of the Demon Clan known as the Yukos. My father was the head while my older brother, Toshi, was the next heir. My father disregarded me and focused more on Toshi. Since I was a girl, I inevitably had a weaker demon.

However despite that fact, my father didn't entirely ignore me. He forced me into training and often gave me a beating when I was unable to defeat my brother. He was only pleased when Toshi or I succeeded.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now