Emotion Progress 23: Friendly

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(3rd pov)

It was a start of a new day. The morning was a mark that Naruto and his small team consisting of Kakashi and Yamato were to leave the village. While others were off doing their own business, Rin sat alone in a slowly blooming sakura tree. Its branches held little bulbs of the beautiful sakura flower soon to come.

The Hokage, Danzo, and his guards had already departed for the Summit.

(Rin's pov)

The birds chirping was the only sound I could hear currently. I sighed before opening my sleepy eyes to look up at the blue sky again. 'I hope Naruto gets there okay..' A few seconds past before I realized what I said.

I slapped my cheek slightly feeling a slight stinging afterwards. "What the hell is wrong with me." I muttered.

"Oi!" I looked down irritably to see 2 males. One with brown hair and a dog beside him and the other had pineapple shaped black hair. 'Are these two supposed to be my new guards?' I thought irritated. "You're Rin right?" The black haired male rhetorically asked.

I didn't respond to the useless question.

"She's not very talkative is she..." The brown haired muttered and the dark released a bark.

'Undoubtedly this guy is an Inuzuka...' I thought. "What a drag. I'm Shikamaru!" The lazy looking male shouted with his hand behind his head. "I'm Kiba and this is Akamura!" His friend said with a smile while the dog barked and wagged its tail.

I sighed before standing up and jumping down in front of them. I didn't say anything as I walked past him. "Oi! Where are you going!" Kiba shouted after me. I didn't respond to that either. In the end the two followed behind me as we made our way back to the village.

I acted as if I couldn't hear the two of them making comments about me. Kiba was complaining more then Shikamaru however.

When we got back to the village I immediately left them to start working on the houses. Over the past week I've been here I've been able to gain the trust of a few ninjas and civilians. "Ah good morning Rin!" Iruka shouted with a smile.

I nodded my head in greeting before walking off to start working. I used my wood style to pick up the large pieces of wood before creating the foundation for the houses. "Woe!!" Kiba shouted quite shocked.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now