Emotion Progress 24: Sharing

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(Rin's pov)

'Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Why?! All for some stupid promise!!" I thought as I mentally cursed the blonde.


After Shikamaru, Kiba and I finished our work we were dismissed. I continuously thought about how Naruto's progress was, despite my scolding. I was pointed to Lady Tsunade's tent when I asked where Sai and Sakura were.

When I reached the tent....an unexplainable feeling swarmed in me. Sai had confronted Sakura about Naruto's sacrifice for the sake of bringing Sasuke back.

Not just because of his own heart but because he made a lifetime promise to Sakura. I was beyond shock when I heard everything. 'Naruto....why?' I thought. Thoughts of Naruto's smiling face, his earnest words, and actions came to mind.

My hands clenched into fists at my side.

'Idiot....why would you go so far for some stupid promise. It's not worth it. You must've realized that by now....' A memory of Naruto came to mind.

'Naruto smiled at me, but this smile wasn't forced, it was happy, friendly. I felt a small warmth to my heart making me inwardly scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"Make sure you come around tomorrow and we can hang out!" He waved while Sakura peeked out behind him along with Yamato and Kakashi. "

My hands slowly released themselves as realization came to me. 'That's just how you are isn't it Naruto...you're always friendly. You put your nose where it doesn't belong when you see someone hurt and then you befriend them. You take their burden on your shoulders.'

"...That's what being a Ninja of the Leaf means..."

(Flashback End)

Snow splattered across my face as I ran on the tops of the snow covered tree tops. I had entered the Land of Iron after non stop running. I jumped down to the ground, placed my hand on the snow, and closed my eyes.

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now