Emotion Progress 39: Departing

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(Rin's pov) 

I sighed as I heaved my backpack on my back. Today was the day...I was heading out of Konoha in pursuit of those who were part of the Yuko clan. Kurogami now had the ability to sense other demonic chakaras from millions of miles away thanks to my father's demon's powers.

He had the ability to enhance other demon's, as well as his own, powers. The first place we'd head is to the Land of Mist. 

"It's fuzzy but there. The longer we practice using these powers the more advance we'll become." 

'Mhm. However, we shouldn't push it. Although your spirit can't be tainted by other demons, it can still have a psychological effect on me." 

'That's why we'll only focus on your father's powers for now since his demon is the highest ranking out of the other two." 


I looked over my shoulder to see a rushing Naruto. His one sleeve floated in the air. Tsunade was still working on extracting tissue from Harashirama's remains to make an attatchment like Obito once had apparently. 

Behind him was also Sakura. 

"What are you two doing here?" I questioned with a head tilt. They both smiled despite being a bit breathless. "You didn't think we'd miss say goodbye, did you? You're part of team 7!" naruto exclaimed happily. "Even if it was for like 4 weeks!" 

Sakura had an irk mark as she harshly slapped him behind the head. "You're still an idiot!" She scowled. A small smile tugged on my lips before falling. "Where's Sasuke?" I questioned. Sakura sadly frowned. 

"We haven't seen him all morning." She replied. Naruto straightened up, rubbing the back of his head. "We thought he'd be here."

I shook my head. "No one besides Gai, Kurenai, and Asuma's teams have come." The two looked at each other with sadden looks before facing me with small smiles. "Well I'm sure he wishes you for a safe journey!" Sakura chirped. 

Naruto sent me a sad look. "So...you really won't stay? Don't you like Konoha?" 

I swiftly jabbed him in the stomach making him air vomit. "Of course I like Konoha idiot. But...I have to go. For the first time in my life....I feel hope.....I have family out there. Whenever I think about it, I want to race out quickly to look for them. I don't want to feel lonely anymore." I explained with a emotionless expression. 

I'm a slave but Free (Sasuke Love story/ Naruto Fanfic) WATTY'S 2017Where stories live. Discover now