Chapter 31- Help! Left Alone with a Pervert

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(A/N: Happy Christmas Everyone!🎄🎀🎁)

It was so sudden that Rui had no time to avoid the apple tart. He could felt the weight and the impact of the apple tart directed to his face.

The smashed apple tart reached his mouth and he could even taste its sweet flavor a bit.

He closed his eyes and wiped some off his face. The apple tart had fall till his body and get sticky.
"Just Great,"Rui was a little annoyed as he was all sticky and uncomfortable.
But it was not anything near getting on his nerves.
"I am, I am sorry, Sir, I does not mean it,"Achara bowed her head repeatedly.
Since Achara was nervous, her voice sounded like she was afraid of him.

Rui was often perceived as a scary guy and mistaken as cold and means. This why, no females ever dared to stay near him. Nevertheless, Rui never cared about it. Due to his upbringing, he had to acted tough and cold to others. He got so used to it that he scared others without him knowing.

He had faced these kinds of situation many times before. Likewise, he had frightened this little guy like the others. For some reason, he did not want this little guy to be afraid of him. He sighed.

He showed a stop sign with his hand. He did not make a fuse nor show anger.

Far from reducing his intimidating image, it worsens. His unresponsive to this situation made him unpredictable. No one could tell if he was furious or not. He turned his head to Kalazk and asked ,"Do you know the nearest place, I can wash this dessert off?"

Kalazk's brain could not think how to solve the situation. When Rui asked him, the only thing he knew was he had to respond to Rui quickly. "There's a lake nearby."

Kalazk eyed Achara to guide the place for Rui as she was the only one who was available. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest when the apple tart smashed his face because of her. Now her tribe leader Kalazk wanted her to guide Rui. Who know if he would not become a psycho and kill her. Achara gave a, "Are you kidding me look," and slightly shake her head.
"Aron, could you please show the way to Sir Rui?" This time Kalazk made sure to give a "you must do it look" to her.

Achara cried inside her heart. It was not worth it to offend her tribe leader. Beside Rui, looked fine and sane. Her logic tell her he, as a imperial army leader is not the one to do something stupid like killing or abusing because of a small matter. "Let just do it. It's just guiding,"she cheered herself up.

She calmed herself a bit and with some hesitation, she talked to Rui, "This way please Sir."
A part of her was scared that she might offend the important guest(Rui) while another part of her was secretly joyful that she smashed that pervert, right to his face.

Kalazk anxiously looked at Rui 's and Achara's back that departed out of the dining area. "I hope everything is okay," He quietly mumbled.

The path to the lake was a bit isolated and beastmen in the tribe rarely passes this route unless they needed a bath. Now it was just her and Rui alone in the area. Achara dared not talk to Rui and did not want to, while Rui was not the one to start the conversation. The atmosphere was silent and chilling.

Achara was at the front and Rui followed her. While following her from the back, Rui noticed that the person in front of him was quit petite with height a little above his shoulder.

"There it is!,"Achara pointed out the moment she spot the lake. Rui eyes followed the direction that she pointed. The lake was a small one surrounded by greens trees. He was so sticky because of the apple tart on his body. When he sees the lake, he couldn't help but take out the clothing covering his upper body.

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