Chapter 41- Carrying the heavy him

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Author Notes: This is the Edited version. You can read at ease.

Meanwhile at Ace Tribe.

After packing things to bring along, Achara walked to Rui's room to ask when they would exactly set off. She was about to knock the door but the door was opened and she accidentally peeked inside.

Rui regretted that he was not able to give her (white cheetah female/Achara) underwear back. A part of him also didnt want to give her back because he wanted to have something about her. But he knew it was not right. Yesterday when he met her, he didn't have the courage.

"But Aron said it is an underwear. Will she think of me as a pervert?"

Rui took out the underwear and unfolded it while holding it with his two hands. Then he practiced how to give it to the beautiful female when he met her again.

"Here, your underwear, he spoke.

"No", he shaked his head as it sounded too blunt.

Looking at the underwear, he tried to practice again, "You smell nice. Here this is your underwear I pick it up".

"No", it sounded even more ambiguous then before. He was disappointed and palm-face his face. Since he was holding the panties, the panties also hit his face.

Achara who arrived at his doorstep that moment heard something like, "Smell nice and Underwear". She then saw a scene where her underwear was on his face. Her heart becomes shaky.

"This, this pervert. He .. he is smelling It." She misunderstands the scene and bit her lips.

Yesterday, when she was tending his injury, he said he won't smell it in front of me. " This pervert, as expected, he smells it privately."

The thought of him smelling her panties make her feel embarrass and left her blushing. "Don't know how corrupted and dirty minded while smelling it." Achara thought.

"No matter what, he will smell it as long as he has it. I got to take that away from him," Achara made a determination to steal back what she owned.

"Only then, I can be at ease." She won't have to worry about him secretly smelling her underwear in private. She planned to steal after they come back on scent concealing forest.

Before starting off to scent concealing forest, she sprayed scent- concealing spray she self- made on herself and then gave it to Rui to let him spray all over him.

Achara was all nervous when she had to go alone with him. "Achara, this is just a mission okay? He doesn't  have any intention. He only knows me as a male okay? Yes, I am a male. I should be safe," She told herself.

Rui could feel Achara looking at him with weird eyes and noticed how she purposely keep a distance from him. Rui questioned himself if he was smelly or something. Then he smelled himself but there was nothing wrong with him.

It would take days without flying as it was far. Achara unleashed her roseate spoonbill bird wings and was about to fly. But she remembered Rui and glanced at him.

If he cannot fly, either travel three to four day to get there or she carried him.

Staying distance from him, Achara asked, "What kind of beast man are you?"

Rui paused his footstep. Then a while later, he answered, "It's a bit complicated."

"Complicated? How can a beast species be complicated? Or is he a mixed beast man like me who possessed both Cheetahs and Roseate Spoonbill Birds abilities?" Achara thought. However, she doesn't  push it any further.

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