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A/N: I know South Korea doesn't allow civilians to have guns, but I'm a Kentucky person, so Hwa gets a gun haha

Seonghwa's pov

"Did the police also check everywhere inside? Even the garage?" I asked. Jongho was still wrapped up in the blanket as I held him.

"I hope so," Yeosang said. I furrowed my brows and looked over at him.

"You don't know for sure?"

"Not really, Hwa. We all just came outside when we heard their sirens," Wooyoung said. I sighed.

"Alright, well, I'm betting none of you own a gun, as you're celebrities, but I have one in my glove box. Jjong, you need to let me go for a bit, okay? I'll make sure they're gone," I said, gently patting his back. Jongho whined but let me go.

"Do any of you have your license?" I asked.

"Why?" Yeosang asked. I smiled softly at him and patted his shoulder.

"Because if you hear anything, I want whoever has their license to get you all the hell out of here, got it? Who can legally drive?" I asked again.

"I can, but that doesn't mean we'll leave you here, Seonghwa," Yunho said. I shook my head.

"You're still celebrities, boys. Don't risk your careers or lives for mine, got it?" I began leading them towards my car. I unlocked my glove box and grabbed my handgun. I turned its safety off, and nodded towards the car.

"Get in, and lock the doors. Keep the car on, and drive off if you hear anything, Yunho."

They all began to speak at once, trying to make me not go inside.

"First off, I'm just doing a walkthrough to make sure no one is inside. Second, you have to remember I am older than all of you. I don't like playing the age card, not at all, but I am the oldest one here. Please, do what I said if it comes to it, Yunho."


"Get in the car, Woo." I began, "I'm gonna go walk inside."

  I looked behind myself to make sure they were all in the car, and that it was on, then walked up the dirt path to their home.

  Once outside the front door, I took off my combat boots to be more silent as I walked around inside. I slowly twisted the doorknob with my left hand, and pushed the door open quietly.

  I kept my handgun level to my chest and my pointer finger on its trigger as I walked through the left side of the house first, where the kitchen and living room was.

  No one was there, so I continued through all of the rooms, only pausing once I made it to Yeosang and Wooyoung's room. It was the last room to check.

  Their closet door was pulled closed, which wouldn't be unusual for anyone else to have their closet closed, but I know Yeosang hates any doors of their room closed.

  Yeosang hates being unable to see everything, so for the closet to be closed was worrisome.

  I walked up to the closet and opened the left door quickly, my gun aiming inside it.

  Sat on the floor of the closet was a man who held his hands up in surrender.

  "Keep your hands on the back of your head, and get out of this closet," I demanded. The man put both hands on his head and slowly stood up. As he stepped out, and I stepped back enough to let him, his right arm began to drop from the air.

  I shot the area beside him once, then aimed back to his forehead.

  "Next one hits you." I kept my gun pressed to the side of his head as I felt around for a weapon on him. I found a few small kitchen knives and a large carving knife on him.

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