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   Seonghwa's pov

Three days of rehearsal with Ateez later, it was time for my audition. Jay came with me to read over my contract- should I be offered one- and to support me.

  "You're gonna do great, Hwa. I've seen what you can do; you'll make it in," Jay said, gently caressing my arm as I drove us to KQ.

"But what if I don't make it in? They're gonna be crushed just as much as I'll be!" I exclaimed. Jay smiled softly and shook their head.

"I believe in you, Seonghwa. You'll do great in there," Jay claimed. I smiled at my best friend's reassurance and nodded.

"Thank you, Jay,"

"Hwa, you're here!" Hongjoong exclaimed as I entered his studio using the passcode he gave me. I looked at him sadly and shook my head.

"Did you not make it..?" Hongjoong asked softly. I sighed and sat down on the couch.

"Can you go get the others?" I asked. Hongjoong nodded, kissed my forehead, then walked away to go find everyone else.

"Hwa, what happened?" Jongho asked, sitting beside me.

"I made it in!" I exclaimed with a wide smile, unable to keep up the prank any longer. I heard cheers but felt fireworks as Jongho kissed me softly.

"We knew you could do it, Hwa," Jongho muttered, smiling softly once he separated our lips.

"They said I'd have to do a reality show with you guys as you all train me to debut. Are you guys okay with that?" I asked, looking around at all seven of my soulmates. They smiled widely and nodded.

"Did they say if you'll get to debut in Ateez?" Mingi asked. I smiled softly and nodded.

"If enough Atiny vote me in, then yes, I'll get to debut with you!" I smiled widely.

"That's amazing!" Yunho exclaimed.

"I couldn't have gotten ready for this without you guys. Thank you," I said.

"Always, Hwa." Yeosang gently ran his fingers through my messy black hair, making me smile and lean into his touch.

"When will the reality show start?" Wooyoung asked. I shrugged, then noticed a cameraman come into Hongjoong's studio. Hongjoong quickly turned off his monitor after saving his progress.

"Now," the cameraman said. I smiled shyly.

"But I look like shit-" I slapped my hand over my own mouth. San laughed quietly and gently removed my hand from my mouth.

"They'll edit around it, or bleep it out," San said. I gave a sheepish grin to the cameraman before nodding at my soulmate.

"You guys need to come to the meeting room to discuss further about the show," the cameraman spoke. We all stood up and I followed my soulmates to the meeting room, holding onto Jongho's hand.

"It'll be okay, Hwa. They want reality, so give it to them. Don't fake anything, okay?" Jongho advised. I nodded and shakily exhaled.

"I won't," I said, lifting Jongho's hand to my lips to kiss its top.

"This show will be quite difficult on you, Seonghwa, but I hope you can handle the rigorous training. If anything is genuinely too much, please let us know," the director said. I nodded, understanding where she was coming from.

"Okay, this show will be three episodes long, one per position: dance, rap, vocals. You will train for one week in preparation of each episode's position, and then you will showcase what you've accomplished. Atiny will vote on if you're ready to debut with that talent, or if you require more training.

"You will record all of the time you are practicing, and some of the time with the Ateez members. You'll have a fourteen hour window of when to record, as the other ten were requested by your lawyer to be time off to relax.

"During the fourteen hours, you will practice, learn from Ateez, and learn from our choreographers and vocal coaches. Do you have any questions?" The director asked.

  "Am I still allowed to act normally with Ateez or do you want us to tone it down?" I asked, knowing how affectionate we already are with each other.

  "During the fourteen hours, please tone it down just a bit; don't make out with them on camera or anything of the sort."

  "Understood," I said, my cheeks turning rosy at the thought.

  "Alright, the official start to shooting will be tomorrow! Get some good rest," The director said, smiling softly at me. I thanked her and followed my soulmates' leads as they stood up and left the meeting room.

"Hey, Hwa?" Yeosang asked, sneaking his hand into mine. I hummed in response and looked at him.

  "Do you want to stay over with us tonight?" He asked softly. I smiled shyly.

  "Is that okay with everyone?" I asked. Yeosang nodded.

  "They wanted me to ask you so we all weren't asking you at once."

  "Okay, I'll go with you guys," I said, gently squeezing Yeosang's hand in mine. Yeosang smiled and kissed my cheek sweetly.

  "Hongjoong has an extra bunk in his room, so you can sleep there if you don't want to sleep with one of us," Yeosang offered.

  "I think tonight I'll stay with Yunho if he doesn't mind. I haven't gotten very close with him yet, and I'd like to," I said. Yeosang smiled and nodded.

  "I'm sure he'll like that, Hwa."

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