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Seonghwa's pov

"This is SK News, and recently, Ateez have announced they have found their soulmate. As a result, KQ entertainment has lost dozens of shares within the company. Could this be the end of Ateez and newly debuted Xikers?"

"Hwa, turn that off!" Jay exclaimed, taking the remote and changing the channel.

"You knew?" I asked, looking at my best friend right in the eyes. They nodded, knowing not to lie to me.

"I didn't want to stress you out-"

"Jay, you knew how much money mom and dad left me; I could buy those shares and help KQ and Ateez and Xikers stay afloat! Shit, we need to get dressed now, my lawyer," I said, jumping up from the couch to rush to my room.

It was eight am on a Monday, so Jay and I were rushing to get dressed professionally to hopefully speak with KQ's ceo about buying those shares to help the company.

"Jay hurry!"

"I'm coming!"

Soon enough, Jay and I had pulled on suits and were tying on shoes at the front door.

"My car or your car?" Jay asked.

"Mine so you can ride shotgun," I said, grabbing the keys. Jay nodded and followed me out to my car.

"Park Seonghwa! How lovely it is to meet you finally! Can I ask why you're here so early? Your audition isn't for three more days." The ceo said, allowing Jay and I to enter his office.

  "Sir, this may be out of line, but I'd like to purchase the recently available stocks in KQ." I kept my gaze directed at the man before me.

  "Seonghwa, that's quite a heavy cost, are you sure you'd want all of them? Why not just one or two?" He asked.

  "I believe I have more than enough to cover it, so I am sure of it. Please, allow me to help keep Ateez and Xikers able to perform. They've worked so, so hard to be where they are, and it'd be a shame to see it go to waste," I said. The ceo nodded in understanding.

  "You truly do care for your soulmates, don't you?" He said, smiling widely. I nodded proudly at the older man.

  "I do."

  "Okay, so, who is this beside you?" The ceo asked.

  "That's my lawyer, Jay Jang. They are here to read over contracts and paperwork and help me along the process," I said.

"You're a smart man, Seonghwa. Lawyer Jang, please, have a seat beside Seonghwa, and we'll begin,"

Some time later, I was among the biggest shareholders in KQ Entertainment. Ateez and Xikers would still be able to perform, and they'd be able to make me back the money I spent in some time.

As Jay and I went to leave the building, Mingi stopped me in the hallway.

"Hwa, what are you doing here? Oh, wow, you look amazing; this suit looks so good on you," Mingi complimented, a soft smile on his lips and rose tint on his cheeks.

"Uhmm, I work here now apparently," I said, shrugging a bit. Mingi furrowed his brows.

"But your audition isn't until Friday, and you're wearing a suit. What job did you apply for?" He asked.

"That's something I believe I should tell all of you at once. Could you please find everyone?" I asked. Mingi nodded, kissed my cheek, then walked away to knock on a door loudly.

"Joong, open up!" Mingi said, knocking still. A bit later, Hongjoong opened the studio door, his hair spiked up and messy.


"Hwa wants all of us together. He needs to tell us something."

"Oh, okay. Bring everyone in here. Hwa, you and Jay can come in," Hongjoong said, waving at us.

"I'm gonna go sit in the car, okay? Keys, please," Jay said. I pulled out the keys but held them where they couldn't reach.

"Lock the doors once you're inside, understood? Stay safe," I said, giving them the keys and a tight hug. Jay hugged me back before walking out.

"What did you need us all for?" Yunho asked, looking at me.

"Well, I don't watch the news very often, so when I saw that KQ was struggling from the loss of twelve stockholders, I decided to do something about it..." I said, beginning to get shy.

"'Do something' what did you do?" Jongho asked.

"I bought the stocks so you'd all still be able to perform. I didn't want you to worry about anything, so I bought them and now I'm a top shareholder in KQ and apparently I work here every Tuesday to check on concepts and how things look and sound," I said, going off on a rant to explain myself.

"Hwa, that had to have been extremely expensive. How did you do that?" Hongjoong asked.

"My parents left me all of their funds, remember? I had to spend half of it, but if I ever come to a need for more I can put to use my bachelors degree in psychology. I can get a normal job and work," I said.

"How much did you have to spend on our company?" Wooyoung asked. I lowered my head and mumbled it out.

"Two hundred-fifty thousand dollars."

"Holy shit-"


"Sorry, but that's a lot of money to just drop on us! Hwa, I don't think food and flowers will make a good enough thank you for this!" Jongho exclaimed.

"You boys love performing, so if I can do something to keep you doing so, shouldn't I?" I asked. I barely had time to inhale before Jongho's lips were pressed against mine.

"Thank you, Seonghwa," Jongho said, pulling away enough to lay his head on my shoulder and cry softly.

"Of course, lovely. Anything you guys need, I'll try my best to get or do for you," I said, looking each of them in the eyes except Jongho, who still was on my shoulder.

"Hwa, why are you so good to us?" Yeosang asked. He got some glares from other members, but I could understand where he was coming from.

  "Because I look up to you all. You all faced some sort of struggle to get to where you are, and I adore you for how strong you are to have surpassed it. I saw that there was a struggle with a way that I could solve it, so I knew I had to. Additionally, you're my soulmates; I want to be and do the best for you that I can."

  "Move, Jongho, I wanna kiss him," Yeosang said, gently helping the youngest male off of my shoulder. My cheeks darkened significantly as Yeosang wrapped a hand around my nape and leaned down to kiss me.

  "Wait, can I kiss you?" Yeosang asked. I smiled softly and, instead of answering, I kissed him instead.

  "Damn, I adore you," Yeosang mumbled against my lips once he'd separated us. I smiled shyly and pecked his lips again.

  "I know I only have three days before my audition, but could you guys help me prepare a bit for it?" I asked.

"Of course! What do you want to work on today?" Hongjoong asked, taking initiative. I glanced down at my outfit before responding.

"Let's start with vocals today since I probably can't dance in this," I said. Jongho took my hand with a grin and pulled me out of the room, San and Yeosang tailing behind us.

"We'll teach you everything you need to know again, Hwa," Jongho said, smiling widely. I smiled as well, knowing with the three of them I'd do well on vocals.

  "Thank you," I said, still smiling.

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