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  Third pov

  The seven members of Ateez and Seonghwa made their statements with the police and had informed KQ as well. Their boss felt awful for letting such a man into the group, but the eight of them convinced him it was solely on Hangyul.

"Seonghwa, we'll never be able to repay you for all you've done. Is there any way we can begin?" The ceo asked. Hongjoong looked towards the ceo with a smile.

"Let Seonghwa join Ateez! Atiny were upset when you let Hangyul in, so they'll be ecstatic to see him join now!" Hongjoong claimed. The ceo thought on it for a bit.

"Are you sure you'd be able to handle that hardship, Seonghwa? I was made aware you face a few illnesses and I don't want to worsen them."

"If things get too hard I'll be sure to let you guys know." Seonghwa spoke with a wide smile. The ceo seemed convinced and nodded.

"You seven will have to take a short break to help teach him the other dances. Welcome to the group, Seonghwa." The ceo held out his hand, leading Seonghwa to shake it.

"Thank you, sir." Seonghwa smiled still. He was overjoyed that he was debuting.

  "We really should've just gone with you from the beginning; I am sorry we didn't."

  "Don't worry. I'm a believer in fate, so this must've been fate's will," Seonghwa said. The eight of them walked out of the office space and into hongjoong's studio.

  "You did it Hwa. You're debuting," Hongjoong said, smiling widely before the elder tugged him into a kiss.

  "I know! I can't believe it!" Seonghwa exclaimed, happiness coursing through his veins.

"You should, Hwa. You've always been talented. For now, let's start thinking up a schedule for when you should learn choreographies." Hongjoong grinned. Seonghwa nodded happily.

  A few months later, and Seonghwa had been working himself harshly to learn the choreographies from his boyfriends and the choreography team. It wasn't until Seonghwa nearly passed out did anyone realize just how hard he had been working.

  Seonghwa's vision blurred in the middle of learning "Answer", causing him to drop to his knees and rub at his eyes. His eyes had grown misty as they blurred, making his cheeks and fingertips wet.

  "Break-" Seonghwa rasped. The dance crew around him grew worried and knelt down beside him.

  "Seonghwa, are you alright?" One asked as he handed a bottle of water to the training idol.

  "Not- sure," Seonghwa grimaced, his chest and throat aching. He sipped on the water that was given to him.

  "Help me carry him; we're taking him to the hospital," the previous dancer said to another. Seonghwa shook his head, but the dancers didn't care, carrying him to their car regardless.

  "You know your health is our priority, Seonghwa. You're gonna go get checked out at least." 

  Seonghwa was severely dehydrated that day, but had made a speedy recovery. Now, he stood on stage with his seven soulmates, performing the last song he composed after his mom passed, Mist.

  Seonghwa sang and looked at the sky, smiling widely.

  During one of their conversations on stage, Seonghwa cried a bit with a wide smile, saying, "I did it, momma and dad. I made it."

  The seven original members grouped around Seonghwa in a hug, reassuring him that he had, in fact, made it on stage and debuted.

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