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Seonghwa's pov

Later that evening, after recording all day, Ateez and I met with the ceo of kq to discuss me, possibly, moving in with them.

"You're sure you guys will be able to separate home life from work life?" The ceo asked. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

"Yes, sir. We'll be able to keep the two separate," I said. He nodded in response.

  "I was wondering how long it would take. Go ahead, Seonghwa, you can move in with them. Do you need for us to call a moving truck?" The ceo questioned. I smiled widely and nodded.

"So, Hongjoong, you have an extra bed in your room, right?" I asked once we were in the van on our way to my apartment.

  "Yeah, I do," Hongjoong said.

  "Want a roommate?" I asked, slightly teasingly. Hongjoong smiled softly and nodded, taking my hand in his.

  "Wait, you're staying with us again?" Yeosang asked. I smiled and laughed softly.

  "Yeo, baby, I'm moving in," I said, lightly pinching his cheek. Yeosang's eyes sparkled happily as he leaned forward and pecked my lips.

  "Where was your mind during the meeting with our boss?" I asked. Yeosang shrugged and laid his head on my shoulder.

  "I don't really remember, I usually just ask Hongjoong to summarize the meetings for me because they make me sleepy," Yeosang said.

  "Aw, you're so cute," I said, kissing his lips again. We soon arrived at my apartment, making me quickly pull my phone out and text Jay.

Hey, are you and Maria inside?

Yeah, why?

Please be fully clothed. All of Ateez are with me and coming inside to help me pack. I'm moving in with them.

Oh so this is how I find out?!
Thanks 🥺

  I laughed a bit and led them inside to the elevators, being stopped by the receptionist.

  "Mr. Park, you're not allowed to have so many guests over at a time, remember?" She said, trying her best to help me not get kicked out.

  "You don't have to worry, they're helping me pack; I'm moving out," I said. She nodded and smiled.

  "Alright, I'll let the landlord know," she said. I thanked her and led them to the elevator.

  "How are we doing this?" I asked, looking from the eight of us to the elevator.

  "What floor are we going to? I forgot," Hongjoong asked sheepishly.

  "Floor eleven."

  "We'll meet you up there," Hongjoong said, tugging Yunho, Yeosang, and Mingi inside with himself. I smiled and kissed his cheek then let them go up.

  I soon felt a pair of arms circle my waist and a head rest on my shoulder. I looked over to see Jongho's chocolate brown hair, making me smile and gently caress it.

  "What's this for?" I asked softly, wrapping my arms around my soulmate.

"I didn't like seeing you cry earlier, Hwa." Jongho burrowed closer in my embrace. My heart ached in my chest hearing his words.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll try not to cry in front of you-"

"No! Don't do that, Hwa. If you need to cry, then you have to let it out!" Jongho exclaimed, looking up at me. I smiled softly and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I adore you, Jongho." I kissed his lips sweetly, then heard the elevator ding.

"Come on, love birds, let's get to packing," San said, teasing Jongho and I.

"Come on," I said, taking Jongho's hand in mine and leading him into the elevator. We all went up to floor eleven, meeting with the four who were already there.

"I didn't know Hwa looked that hot when he kissed," San mumbled to Wooyoung behind me, making my cheeks flush.

"I didn't either," I said, glancing back at them, winking, then turning back to the four in front.

"So, let's get to packing, shall we?" I asked, smiling despite the heavy blush on my face and neck.

I led them all to my apartment before typing in my door password and entering. Jay and Maria were in the living room with a stack of boxes, opening them to be able to fill them.

"Are you really gonna leave me?" Jay asked, pouting a bit.

"Don't act like Maria isn't gonna pack her bags as soon as I'm gone," I teased, gently pinching Jay's nose between my fingers.

"Fine, how did you know?" Jay questioned. I laughed and shook my head.

"Because we've known each other for two decades, asshat. I just can't believe you're gonna replace me that easily," I said, rolling my eyes.

"You know Mar and I love you, Hwa. Now, let's get to packing up!" Jay exclaimed, then turned to Ateez.

"I didn't get to introduce myself last time, but my name is Jay, and this is my soulmate Maria," Jay said, taking Maria's hand in theirs.

"You're the one who could throw us?" San asked. Jay looked at me with wide eyes before laughing loudly.

"You showed them?!"

"Of course I did! It was funny!" I laughed too.

"Alright, I could, but you guys are precious to Seonghwa, so unless you've hurt him then I have no reason to."

Jay seemed confused when Yunho was pushed to the front with a whine.

"What? Has Yunho hurt you already?" Jay asked. I nodded, but took Jay into my arms before they could hurt the dancer.

"No, stop Jay. You can't hurt my soulmate," I said, sounding more serious than I had in a while. Jay looked surprised and nodded.

"I've got my eye on you, tree," Jay said, squinting their eyes at Yunho. Yunho laughed nervously.


"Fine. I'm sorry."

"Let's just get my shit," I said. We all began packing up my stuff and loading it bit by bit into the moving truck at the entrance of the apartment building. The things I no longer wanted would be donated or thrown away if they couldn't be donated.

"God, I'm so tired," I whined, falling face first onto the first bed I saw in Hongjoong's now shared room. Hongjoong laughed and gently tapped my foot with his.

"Do you plan on sleeping with me? That's my bed, lovely," he said. I lifted my head and looked at him.

"Can I?" I asked. Hongjoong smiled and nodded.

"Just scoot over," he said. I grinned and rolled over, getting closer to the wall so he could slide in beside me.

"Thank you," I said, laying my head on his chest. Hongjoong kissed my head and rubbed my back.

"Always, lovely,"

Pink Star Ateez x SeonghwaWhere stories live. Discover now