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  Seonghwa's pov

   Group chat 2.0
Thank you for the food and flowers, I really appreciate them <3

The older guys are asleep, but I'm glad you like them, Hwa. <3

Direct messages, Jongie
Did you do the flowers and food on your own?

I did
Did you and Jay enjoy the food?

We did, Jay's in their room now, so im in mine
Are you up on your own?

Yeah :(

Do you want to have a sleepover? You've already supplied the food unless you want more

But isn't tonight your night with Jay?

Jay's okay with it, Jongie. Are you?

Of course :)

I'll be there in 15 minutes, so please pack what you want to bring


I stood up from my bed and picked up my car keys from my bedside table. I unplugged my phone, pulled on shoes, and made my way to my car.

I drove to the hotel the members were still at in time for Jongho to be walking downstairs to the lobby.

I entered the hotel and picked up his bag and carried it to my car for him.

"Hi, Hwa," Jongho said, a soft smile on his lips as he buckled himself in.

"Hey, Jongie. Got everything you need? Did you let your manager know?" I asked the younger man. Jongho nodded his head proudly.

"I have everything and I told our managers and left a note for Hongjoong Hyung."

"Good job," I said, tangling our closest hands together and kissing the top of his.

"Hwa?" Jongho asked softly once we were comfortable in the apartment living room. Neither one of us were sleepy, so we opted for staying in the living room with some pizza and chips.


"Did you and Sannie really kiss?" Jongho asked. My cheeks darkened and I nodded.

"Was I not supposed to? Is there also a dating ban?" I asked quickly. Jongho shook his head.

"No, you're allowed to kiss us and date us as you please. I just want to be close with you like that, too," Jongho confided. I smiled softly and reached for his hands.

"Jongie, you guys should know that I can handle being kissed by you. If you want to kiss me, go for it," I said. Jongho looked at me as though he was searching for any hint of regret of my words, but found none, as I knew I wouldn't regret kissing them.

"Can I kiss you?" Jongho asked, his hands gently moving to cup my waist and jawline.

"Please do," I responded, adoring the warmth his hands brought my face and waist.

The younger man soon leaned closer, our eyes closing as his lips softly met mine. I felt warmth flood up and down my body in currents as I scooted closer in his embrace.

Soon, we separated our lips, and I shyly laid my head against his shoulder. Jongho held onto my waist and nape, gently caressing both.

"Was that okay?" Jongho asked softly.

"Yes; I liked it a lot," I responded quietly, but knew he could hear me. Jongho pulled me closer and wrapped the couch's throw blanket around me. He turned the tv on and turned the volume down softer before we began searching for something to watch.

"Jong, can I ask why you sent me flowers and food?" I asked, still in his embrace half an hour later.

"I didn't get to properly thank you for protecting us and calming me down before. I sent you the flowers and food as my way of saying so. Speaking of, do you want your blanket back?"

"It's alright, I'm getting a new weighted blanket soon; Jay has already ordered it for me."

"Can I ask why you use a weighted blanket so often that you have multiple?" Jongho asked, softly caressing his fingers through my hair.

"Losing my mom really put a lot of stress and anxiety in me, so using a weighted blanket at night or having Jay lay on me helps my body calm down and regulate itself. I may not be mentally anxious, but can be physically anxious."

"I hope we can ease your stress and anxiety, Hwa. I don't want to see you in distress," Jongho said, holding me closer. I smiled softly and squeezed him in a hug.

  "Sitting here, like this, with you, is really making me feel at ease.. Will my other soulmates get jealous that you're here alone?" I asked quietly, hoping the answer wasn't negative.

  "When Ateez was formed, none of us showed our soulmarks to each other; we all kept them covered with bandaids or our clothes as best as we could. On my eighteenth birthday, when we all found out we shared your star on our skin, we agreed that we would let you come to love us as you do so.

   We agreed we wouldn't force you to be with us any time you didn't want to be, nor would we force physical contact with you if you didn't want it as well.

  You're the one in control of the pace, Hwa. Don't ever let us push or test your boundaries, alright? It's too soon for me to use the bigger words, but I do know I really like you, and I don't want to lose you because I made a mistake. Please, stop me from going too far if I ever come to it," Jongho explained and confessed, making my heart race and cheeks burn.

  "You like me?" I asked for confirmation. Jongho nodded, leaning his cheek against my forehead.

  "You're the first person I've liked, Hwa..." Jongho spoke softly, almost like he was ashamed of it. I smiled softly and craned my neck to look at him.

  "That's alright, Jongie. If I'm the first person you've liked, how did you know how to kiss me?" I asked, teasing him a little bit. Jongho only raised his eyebrows a couple times before speaking.

  "I'm still an adult, Hwa."

  "I know," I said, kissing his cheek before pulling away from his embrace. I walked into the kitchen to take my medicines before bed.

  Jongho came up behind me as I dumped the packet into my palm and wrapped his arms around my waist. I jumped but closed my palm around the pills.

  "Jongie! You scared me," I huffed, pouting a bit before swallowing them with water.

  "You left me alone on the couch," Jongho whined quietly. He rested his head against the back of my shoulder and gently rubbed my stomach.

  "Did you eat enough so they won't hurt your stomach?" Jongho asked. I smiled softly at his care.

  "I did. Did you eat enough?"

  Jongho nodded and yawned softly.

  "Alright, let's head to bed,"

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