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  Seonghwa's pov

  Once we reached KQ, Jay was already inside the lobby, their small crossbody bag clutched close.

  "Hwa, you live!" Jay exclaimed, rushing to hug me tightly. I laughed softly and gently caressed their purple hair.

  "Of course I'm alive. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, then saw the lewd face my friend made.

  "I swear I hate you sometimes," I said, shaking my head. Jay grinned before taking my hand in theirs.

  "Here's your day medicine along with the few night ones you missed and can take. If you'll be gone again, at least come get your medicine first," Jay said, sounding like a concerned mother.

  "Okay, mom, I will," I said. Jay nodded then looked towards my soulmates.

  "You guys are his soulmates, so please help me make sure he stays on schedule. It's best he does," Jay said to the six men around me. I grew confused seeing only six of my soulmates.

  "Where's Joong?" I asked.

  "He went with the manager," San said. I nodded in response and looked back at Jay.

  "What've you got today?" I asked, meaning their work schedule.

  "I go in at nine am, and work until 9 pm. I've got three cases to work on," Jay explained. My eyes widened at their words.

  "Make sure you take care of yourself too," I said. Jay nodded, hugged me, then left the lobby of KQ.

  "Let's head to the first recording room." Yunho gently took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.

  Mingi came to my other side and took my other hand in his, kissing the top of it sweetly.

  "So far, Atiny have reacted mostly positively to you, Seonghwa. Let's hopefully keep it that way," the director smiled, shaking my hand before we began the recording. I agreed and sat down at the table.

"Today, you will be learning dance from Yunho and Mingi, is that alright?"

  "Yeah, that's fine! I'm hoping I'm not too rusty," I said, smiling at the pair beside me. They led me into a dance room as a cameraman followed us and filmed us.

  "Today, we'll do a few of our simple dances, or we'll do one of our harder dances. We thought to let you pick a bit," Mingi said, going to the sound equipment.

  "How many simple dances would I be learning?" I asked.

  "Three," Yunho said. My eyes widened.

  "I think I'll take my chances with the one hard one," I said. Yunho nodded, and Fireworks began playing.

  "Oh shit," I grumbled, knowing how difficult Fireworks looked. My eyes were wide as I caught myself cussing again. The cameraman waved it off, so I began to learn what Yunho and Mingi were showing me.


  "Seonghwa, you were the Park prodigy- how come you can't even get this right?!" Yunho loudly yelled at me as I repeated a mistake, making Mingi and I both pause.


  "How is he gonna make it into Ateez if he can't do one of our most popular choreographies?" Yunho asked, his voice sharp.

  I bit my tongue as Yunho continued to spew hurtful words. We had been working on Fireworks for four hours straight now without a break per his request. I still couldn't get a small section near the middle correct, and it seemed Yunho reached his limit.

  "Teach him on your own, Mingi, I'm done," Yunho demanded, walking out without another word. Once the door had shut behind Yunho, I quit biting on my tongue and let the tears flow from my eyes.

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