Deal #15

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Enid POV.

After me,Wednesday,Divina and Yoko went in, I sit on a chair while they sit on the couch with Bianca,Xavier and Kent. "So? Where have you been?" Yoko ask. i gulp and stare at them, "hm..i was going to the check whats happening." I said. "What?! Isn't that dangerous?!" Kent yell. "Well yes-but no!" I said. "T-then why are so e-easy to get c-captured by a c-creature?" Wednesday said. "Your didn't check." Divina said. "What?! No, im not lying." I said. "Tell the truth,Enid." She said. i gasp and don't know what to do. "fine." I said. "Please don't be mad.".

"So..remember when i check Wednesday DNA? And the creature,zombie??" I ask. they all nod. " well..i sort of made a deal with Tyler so the Town can't be destroyed or targetting you guys... , i gave the DNA to him and leave. Im..sorry." i explain.

[I skip the time cause yes]

i sit down on a bed then Wednesday came in and sit beside me, "I'm not mad,Enid." She said. "I know your mad..just admit it." I said. "I'm not,im just dissapoint." She said and grab my wrist. "Y-you do that for u-us right?" She ask. i nod, "yes." I answer . "I-i forgive you." She said. I was shock and look at her. I hug her and tear up, "Thank you!" I said. We hug for a while cause its comfortable. "Y-you can let g-go now" she said and push me. "sorry,Willa." I apologies. "Its fine.". "Can i kiss you?" I ask. "my breath is disgusting,Enid." She said. "please?" I beg. "Yknow zombie breath and mouth look like right?" I ask. "YES!, i will be fine." I beg and beg. "F-fine. B-but you'll r-regret it." She accept and stare at me. I was so happy. She kiss me without warning and it was nice but disgusting too. "Woah-" i said. "Brush your teeth, your breath smell now." She said. I laugh nervously and goes to the bathroom.

"Divina,Dont you have a teethbrush here?" I ask and yell. She go in the bathroom and said, "This place got attacked, hoe.". "right.. also..Please forgive me." I said. "Already did, i know that you didn't did it to betray us." She said. I sigh. "yeah.". "Also Yoko its still mad." She said. "nooo". I get out of the room and saw Wednesday waiting for me. "Wednesday?" I speak. she kisses me again and hug me. "wednesday?? Are you okay?" I ask. "yes, j-just miss you." She answer. I pat her head.

Wednesday POV.

i miss her so much,i want to be with her. Me and Enid was on the couch and my head are on Enid shoulder. Yoko go in the room look irritated. "Yoko-" enid spoke. "what?." She answer with annoyed tone. "I'm sorry..please forgive me." She apologies. Yoko was speechless and just nod, yoko walk off to get fresh air. I look at her and she stare at me, i tried to smile but she already smiled at me.

[To Be Continue]

Scientist And Zombie | Wenclair [ COMPLETED ] ꨄ︎Where stories live. Discover now