The Underground #18

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Enid POV.

"They might be here somewhere." I said. "yeah.." yoko said and look around with divina. Wednesday was looking at the dorms , "They wouldn't be at the creature place..they will be at somewhere..that no one ever found.." i said to myself. "That no one knows..THAT NO ONE KNOWS!" I said and run to the
statue of poet Edgar Allan Poe . I snap twice and the statue moves to the right which shows the stairs behind. "I forgot this exist." I said and walk down the stairs.

When i'm down here i found no one. "Hello??" I yell. Eugene came out then run to hug me, "Enid! You won't believe what happen?!" He said. "huh?what happen??" I ask. The other show up with a small smile.


Eugene POV.

i was in a room sitting down then i smell a smoke coming, i get out to check and it was Tyler, Tyler is burning the cabin down, i call the other to get out fast, "GUYS! THE CABIN IS BURNING." I yell. All of us get up and run from the back door, we found there's many zombie and millitary . The millitary are shooting all of the zombie, we run somewhere else, somewhere safe.

we found the Nevermore Academy and there were not many zombie. "Oh god.." kent said. "we need to find a safe place!" I said. "I know." Bianca said and run somewhere. Then i follow


"Then we got here!" Eugene said. "How did you found us here?" Xavier ask. "well..i was thinking you all will find a place that no one knows" i explain. "Smart." Ajax said and get out. "Ajax?" I speak. "Yeah we found him here with so many food!" Eugene said. "Wow..". We heard some footsteps running down the stairs and it was Yoko,Divina and Wednesday. "Divina! Are you okay?!" Kent yell and carry divina, "can you carry her? I'm tired." Yoko said. Kent nod. "what happen to Divina?" Bianca ask. "well i think tyler did some experiment to her but not yet and she broke her leg and her head was bleeding ,i think tyler did something to her." Yoko explain.

We all are living here for a while cause the zombie and tyler plan, Me and wednesday are cuddling on the floor then Yoko are with Divina.

[Sorry its shorts cause i have another idea for the next chapter.]

[To be continue]

Scientist And Zombie | Wenclair [ COMPLETED ] ꨄ︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora