An Unexpected Attraction - 1•kth•

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As the couple enter their home, they both go about their own business, each absorbed in their own tasks.

Kim Taehyung heads straight for his home office, shedding his coat and tossing it over the back of a nearby chair as he goes. He sits down at his desk and immediately begins typing away at his computer, his eyes glued to the screen as he works on a presentation for a meeting the following day.

Meanwhile,Hana is also a business woman. she takes a few moments to check her emails and return some calls related to her company.

As the evening wears on, Kim Taehyung and Hana continue to work in their respective corners of the house, each lost in their own thoughts and tasks.

At Night

As Kim Taehyung and Hana sit down to dinner, the maid brings out the food and sets it on the table. The couple begins to eat, still lost in their own thoughts.

Hana speaks up suddenly, "Taehyung, I've thought to introduce you to my family this weekend. Will you be free to come with me?"

Kim Taehyung hums in response, his attention focused on his food. "Sure, when is it ?"

"This weekend," Hana replies.

"Ok, I'll tell my secretary to clear my schedule," Kim Taehyung says, his mind already turning to the logistics of rearranging his schedule.

The couple continues to eat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

Kim Taehyung is a famous businessman known for his arrogance and workaholic tendencies. He is always looking for ways to further his career and increase his profits, and he is not afraid to step on others to get what he wants. Despite his rough exterior, he is highly intelligent and driven, qualities that have helped him rise to the top of the business world.

Hana is equally ambitious and driven, a successful businesswoman in her own right. She and Taehyung met at a collaboration party and quickly realized that they had a shared interest in furthering their businesses. They began dating, not for love, but for the potential profit that a partnership could bring.

Despite their busy schedules and cutthroat attitudes, Taehyung and Hana have managed to maintain a successful relationship. They are both fiercely independent.

Time Skips

As Kim Taehyung and Hana pull up to Hana's parents' house, they both take a deep breath before stepping out of the car. Hana's mother greets them at the door with a warm smile, inviting them inside.

The couple follows Hana's mother into the living room, where Hana's father is already seated. Hana makes the introduction of Kim Taehyung as her boyfriend.

Then everyone started to talk.As Hana's parents and Kim Taehyung continue to chat, as they are interrupted by loud noises coming from another room. Hana looks around, her brow furrowed in confusion. "What's with all the noise?" she asks.

Hana's mother smiles and explains, "Oh, that's just Jungkook and his best friend Yn. They're playing video games. You know how kids can get when they're gaming. Just wait, there will be running and yelling back and forth before long."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the sound of footsteps and shouts can be heard as Jungkook and Yn run through the house, chasing each other and yelling as they play their game. Hana's mother shakes her head, laughing at their antics

As Jungkook chases Yn around the living room, yelling about how she cheated during their video game match, Yn sticks out her tongue and teases him, dodging his attempts to catch her. They both laugh and shout as they run around the furniture, their energetic play bringing a sense of liveliness to the room.

As they dart past the sofa, Jungkook sees a jug of water sitting nearby and gets an idea. He grabs the jug and chases after Yn, determined to get his revenge for the water she had poured on him earlier. Yn sees him coming and tries to run, but she trips on the foot of the sofa and falls to the ground, landing on top of Kim Taehyung and soaking him with the water in the jug.

As Hana and her parents scold Jungkook for his reckless behavior, yn is shocked by the whole incident. She can't help but feel a little surprised by how close she is to Taehyung, his face only inches away from hers.

Taehyung, on the other hand, finds himself lost in Yn's big, Bambi-like eyes and her makeup-free face. He can't help but think that she looks cute, and the way her wet hair clings to her face only adds to her attractiveness.

Despite the chaos and the scolding, Taehyung finds himself drawn to Yn in a way he can't quite explain. He can't shake the feeling that there is something special about her, and he finds himself wanting to get to know her better.

As Jungkook is scolded by his sister and parents, his eyes widen as he sees Yn and Taehyung frozen in the same position, their faces inches away from each other. Suddenly, Jungkook rushes over to them and pulls Yn back, apologizing to everyone in a hurry. He takes Yn by the waist and leads her towards his bedroom, leaving everyone else behind.

Hana and her parents shake their heads at the kids, a little amused by their antics. Taehyung, however, feels a sudden surge of anger as he watches Jungkook lead Yn away. He can't help but feel a sense of possessiveness towards Yn, and he doesn't like the way Jungkook touched her or took her to his room.

As Jungkook and Yn left the room, Hana notices that Taehyung is also wet from the water that was spilled on him. She turns to him and says, "Hey, why don't you come with me and change your clothes? I'm sure we can find something that will fit you."

Taehyung nods, still trying to push aside the feelings of possessiveness and jealousy that he had experienced earlier. He reminds himself that he has no claim on Yn and that she is free to do as she pleases. He forces a smile and follows Hana to the guest bedroom, where she helps him find a change of clothes.

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