A little punishment•jjk•

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Jungkook pulls the car in front of the college and says we are here.

YN: looks at the crowd of fanboys waiting for her at the gate "Ugh, not again."

Jungkook: notices the fanboys "I don't like any of those guys near you. Should I take care of them for you?"

YN: shakes her head "No, it's okay. I can handle it. I don't want to create any scene in the college."

Jungkook: skeptical "Are you sure? You're not hiding something from me? Like you want to be with one of those guys or something?"

YN: laughs "No, Jungkook. I'm not hiding anything. I just don't want to make a big deal out of it. Plus, I don't have feelings for any of them."

Jungkook: still unsure "Okay, but call me if anything happens."

YN: nods "Will do. See you later, step-brother oops officer Jeon"(laughs).

YN gets out of the car and greets her fanboys with a smile, while Jungkook watches her for a moment before driving off, still feeling protective and thinking if she is really telling the truth.

Jungkook: enters the police station and is greeted by his colleagues "Good morning."

Jungkook makes his way to his office

Jungkook: picks up the phone "Hello? I need you to keep a close eye on YN. Send me updates every now and then."

Jungkook hangs up the phone and starts checking his files and other works.


It was evening but still he didn't get any call from yn. But he got an update that everyone left the college and yn also left the classroom from his spy.

Jungkook: arrives at the college "Where is YN? I haven't heard from her."

He sees YN and a guy walking towards the gate while talking and laughing

YN: startled "Oh, oppa! You startled me."

Jungkook: glares at the guy "I didn't get a call from you, so I came to check."

YN: apologetic "Sorry, my phone battery died."

Mark: introduces himself "Hi, I'm Mark. I'm YN's classmate. We were working on a project at the library."

Jungkook: skeptical "Everyone else left, why were only the two of you still here?"

YN: nodds "Yes, we were working on a project."

Jungkook: doubts but then nods "Okay, we're leaving now."

YN: "Okay, bye Mark."

YN and Jungkook left the college

In Car

Jungkook: still skeptical "Are you sure you were just working on a project with him?"

YN: sighs "Yes, Jungkook. I already told you that. Why don't you believe me?"

Jungkook: apologetic "I'm sorry, YN. It's just that I can't help but be protective of you. I'm sorry if I hurt you by doubting you."

YN: understands "It's okay, I know you just care about me. But please try to trust me when I tell you something."

Jungkook: nods "I will, I promise. I'll work on not being so overprotective."

YN: smiles "Thank you, Jungkook. I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself."

Jungkook nodded but he still couldn't shake off his doubts. They continue their drive home in silence, with Jungkook still not convinced but trying not to show it.


It was dinner time to yn, jungkook and their father was at the dining table. Their mother passed away a year ago.

Mr. Jeon: "Jungkook, when are you planning on getting married? You're already settled in your career."

Jungkook: annoyed "Not now, Father. I'll think about it later."

Mr. Jeon: nods "Alright. YN, now that you're an adult, do you have a boyfriend?"

YN: smiles "No, I don't. I'm focused on my studies and my career."

Jungkook: grip tightens on his fork "Father, you shouldn't be pressuring her about that. She has more important things to focus on."

Mr. Jeon: I just want both of you to be happy and not feel lonely. I know I'm busy with work and your mother is not here, but I want you both to find companionship.

Jungkook: defensive But YN has me, she doesn't need anyone else.

Mr. Jeon: You're her brother, maybe she can't share everything with you. I want her to find someone with whom she can share everything and not feel lonely.

YN: Thank you, Father.

Mr. Jeon: I'll be announcing a party next week as it will be YN's 21st birthday. I hope you'll find someone special there, YN.

YN: smiles Thank you, Father. I'm looking forward to it.

Jungkook: firmly "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Father. YN doesn't need to be pressured into finding someone. She's young and should focus on her studies and career."

Mr. Jeon: "I understand where you're coming from, Jungkook, but I just don't want either of you to be alone. I want you both to be happy and have companionship."

Jungkook: still against "But I'm here for her, she doesn't need anyone else. I don't think throwing a party with the intention of finding someone is the right approach."

YN: "I appreciate your concern, both of you, but let's just enjoy the party and not put too much pressure on finding someone."

Mr. Jeon: "Alright, I understand. We'll just have a good time and see what happens."

Jungkook: nods reluctantly "Fine, but I still don't agree with it."

The conversation ends with Jungkook still clearly against the idea of the party and the pressure for YN to find someone, but he agrees to go along with it for YN's sake. Now he thinks yn wants this party that means she really wants to have a guy. She must be sleeping with guys at college but still need some other because that fanboys and that mark guy is not enough.

All time he was glaring at yn while thinking.

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