The Tutor - 2•namjin•

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Yn is sitting at a table with her husband, surrounded by friends and family who are congratulating them and giving their blessings

FRIEND: (hugging Yn) Congratulations, Yn! You look so happy.

YN: (smiling) Thank you, I am.

FAMILY MEMBER: (shaking Yn's husband's hand) Welcome to the family, son.

HUSBAND: (grinning) Thank you, I'm honored to be a part of it.

Jin and Namjoon approach the table

YN: (nervously) Jin, Namjoon, what are you doing here?

JIN: (smirking) We wouldn't miss our lovely tutor's wedding for anything.

NAMJOON: (whispering) You did very wrong, baby.

JIN: (whispering) Count your happy hours.

YN: (trembling) Can we talk outside for a moment?

HUSBAND: (concerned) Yn, is everything okay?

YN: (forced smile) Everything's fine, just catching up with old friends.

Yn stands up and leaves the table with Jin and Namjoon. The scene cuts to the outside where Yn is seen sweating and scared

YN: (nervously) Jin, Namjoon, what is this about? What did you mean by those words?

JIN: (smirking) Just a friendly reminder that we're always watching.

NAMJOON: (nodding) And that you can't just leave us behind

And left yn back.

Yn comes back to the table after talking to Jin and Namjoon

HUSBAND: (concerned) Yn, are you okay? You're sweating.

YN: (forced smile) I'm fine, just a little hot.

HUSBAND: (smiling) Okay, well let's enjoy our wedding day.

(Yn nods, trying to push away the thoughts of Jin and Namjoon's behavior)

YN: (to herself) They're just being childishly, I'm not their tutor anymore. I should focus on my wedding day.

Yn smiles and joins in the conversations and celebrations with her friends and family.


Yn and her husband are in the car, on their way to their new home. Suddenly, the car crashes into a tree. Yn wakes up to find herself in a bed, wearing comfortable clothes. She looks around and sees a glass wall in front of her. On the other side of the wall, she sees her husband, chained to a chair.

YN: (screaming) Baby, are you okay?

HUSBAND: (weakly) Yn, thank God you're awake. I'm okay, but we're in some kind of trouble.

YN: (running to the glass wall and hitting it) What is this? Who did this to us?(tears streaming down her face) Why would they do this?

HUSBAND: (trying to remain calm) I don't know.

(Yn is frantically searching for a way to escape, but she hears a tsk tsk noise)

JIN: (voice from behind) No use, baby. This room is bulletproof.

(Yn turns around to see Jin and Namjoon standing in front of her)

YN: (angrily) What the hell is this? Why did you do this to us?

JIN: (laughing) Oh, come on. You didn't really think we'd let you just leave us and move on with your life, did you?

NAMJOON: (joining in the laughter) We had to teach you a lesson.

YN: (tears streaming down her face) Please, let my husband go. He has nothing to do with this.

JIN: (shaking his head) Sorry, baby. He's just collateral damage.

YN: (getting on her knees and begging) Please, I'll do anything. Just let him go.

JIN: (laughing) Oh, we'll make you do plenty. But for now, just enjoy your stay in our little prison.

Yn is left on her knees, crying and pleading with Jin and Namjoon, They made her stand and took her nead bed . They made her sit.Jin and Namjoon are standing in front of Yn

JIN: (caressing Yn's face) Baby, don't you see? After everything we've done for you, you still don't understand.

NAMJOON: (rubbing Yn's hair) He stole you from us.

YN: (confused) What are you talking about? I never thought of you in that way. You're both like brothers to me.

NAMJOON: (yelling) Shut up!

(Yn flinches, scared)

JIN: (smiling) Okay, okay. You may have thought of us as brothers, but now we'll show you what we truly are to you.

Jin and Namjoon remove Yn's wedding ring and replace it with new rings

YN: (tears streaming down her face) Please, no. This is wrong.

JIN: (laughing) Don't worry, baby. We'll take good care of you.

HUSBAND: stop there you jerks.

Jin closes his eyes with anger and press a button in remote. Few guards came . Namjoon order them to stuf his mouth and eyes with blinds

Jin: don't cover his eyes. I want him suffer with the pain which I had.

Namjoon: (confused but remembered the yn bday incident) yes don't close his eyes. He has to know what mistake he made.

They both didn't leaved yn's husband nor killed him. They just made him suffer by making him watch the sins which they made with yn. Yn lost became mute because of her trauma she is now mentally unstable. She just watches her husband.

After suffering from the torcher yn's husband left his life. Kim brothers always come when they want and go when they want. but they left yn alone there only.

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