A Handsome Dancer - jh

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The classroom is in chaos as students are talking loudly and laughing, some are throwing paper balls at each other while others are playing with their phones.

TEACHER (offstage): (Yelling) Quiet down, everyone! This is not a playground!

The students freeze and turn to the door as the teacher enters, holding a stack of books and papers.

TEACHER: (Sighs) I thought I was never going to get a chance to talk to you all today.

The students giggle as the teacher puts down the books on the desk and takes a deep breath.

TEACHER: Alright, settle down. I have some exciting news for you all. (pauses for effect) We're going to have a function next week and everyone is invited!

The students cheer and whoop with excitement. Some of them start clapping while others jump out of their seats.

TEACHER: (Holding up his hand) But, there's a catch. In order to make the function more culturally rich, everyone will have to participate in a cultural activity like dance, music or singing.

Yn's face drops as she hears this news. She has had some bad experiences with cultural activities in the past and the thought of doing it again fills her with dread. She starts to remember some of those embarrassing moments.


Yn is on stage trying to sing a song, but her voice cracks and she forgets the lyrics. The audience starts to laugh.

Yn is playing the piano and accidentally hits a wrong note. The entire room falls silent and she can feel her face turning red.

Yn is trying to dance, but trips and falls. Everyone starts to laugh and point.


Yn shakes her head out of embarrassment and turns to Namjoon.

YN: (Angrily) I don't want to participate in any of these activities. I always end up making a fool of myself.

Namjoon, Yn's best friend, notices her distress and rubs her hair, trying to lighten the mood.

NAMJOON: (Teasing) Aww, come on Yn! It'll be fun! You can sing a song or something.

YN: (Rolls her eyes) Not a chance, Namjoon. You know what happened last time.

NAMJOON: (Laughing) Yeah, yeah. You got stage fright and ran off the stage. It was hilarious!

YN: (Angrily) It was not funny! (Pauses) And don't touch my hair!

Namjoon backs away, laughing and holding his hands up in surrender.

NAMJOON: (Laughing) Okay, okay! I won't make fun of you. I promise.

The rest of the class continues, but Yn can't shake the feeling of dread. She knows that cultural activities always seem to lead to some kind of embarrassment for her. She just hopes that this time will be different.


School finished Yn and Namjoon are walking down the road, eating ice cream and chatting. Yn is being jumpy because she loves ice cream and is having a hard time not spilling it on herself.

YN: (Excited) This ice cream is so good! I can't believe it's still so cold on a day like this.

Namjoon laughs at Yn's excitement and takes a lick of his own ice cream.

NAMJOON: (Laughing) Yeah, you really do love your ice cream, don't you?

Just as Namjoon is about to pull Yn out of the way of a car that has stopped behind her, she turns to face him, completely stunned.

YN: (Surprised) What's happening?

NAMJOON: (Worried) Are you okay? Did the car hit you?

A man gets out of the car with a worried look on his face.

MAN: (Concerned) I'm so sorry, miss. Are you okay? I didn't see you there.

Yn is drooling over the handsome man who just stepped out of the car. She can't believe her luck and starts to imagine him as an angel coming towards her.

YN: (In awe) You're so handsome. I-I mean, I'm okay. (Pauses) Thank you for stopping.

The man gives Yn a charming smile and nods his head before speaking again.

MAN: (Smiling) Do you need a ride anywhere? I'd be happy to give you a lift.

YN: (Excited) Really? That would be great!

Namjoon interjects, a look of annoyance on his face.

NAMJOON: (Annoyed) Yn, we're fine. We don't need a ride from a stranger.

YN: (Defiant) Namjoon, he's not a stranger. He's being nice and offering to help us.

Namjoon and Yn have a heated argument for a moment, but the man interrupts.

MAN: (Soothing) It's okay, guys. I understand. I just wanted to help.

The man gets back into his car and drives away, leaving Yn and Namjoon to continue their walk home. Yn can't stop thinking about the handsome man she just met and wonders if she'll ever see him again. Namjoon, on the other hand, is still annoyed at Yn for drooling over another guy.

NAMJOON: (Annoyed) You always do this, Yn. You get all starry-eyed over every good-looking guy you see.

YN: (Defiant) I do not!

NAMJOON: (Laughing) Sure, you don't.

The two friends continue their walk, bickering back and forth and enjoying each other's company despite their differences


MAN: (Thinking) So her name is Yn... (Smirks) This could be interesting.

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