The Scary Cat -1•yg•

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The sound of children playing and laughing can be heard in a playground where 10-year-old YN is having a great time. She is swinging on a swing and laughing with her friends. Suddenly, she sees a man sitting on a park chair, crying. She stops laughing and looks at him with concern. She gets off the swing and walks over to him.

YN: (worriedly) Are you hurt anywhere?

MAN: (wiping his tears) Nope, I'm not. Now go away and play. (said in a serious tone)

YN: (deflated) Oh... (she starts to walk away, but stops and turns around) You know what? Girls like cool men, not cry-babies. (she crosses her arms and looks at him with a determined look)

MAN: (angrily) The reason I'm crying is because the girl I loved left me by cheating. (He stands up and towers over YN, making her take a step back)

(YN looks at the man with a confused and surprised look)

YN: (whispering) Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

MAN: (calming down) It's okay. It's not your fault. (He sits back down and puts his head in his hands).

YN: (awkwardly) Aw, I think she's blind to leaving a cute cat like you.

MAN: (annoyed) I am not a cat, I am a human. (He says this in an annoyed tone)

YN: (uninterested) Oh, okay. (Her eyes suddenly get big as she spots something beside the man)

MAN: (following her gaze) What? (He sees the chocolates beside him and quickly hides the box behind his back)

YN: (curious) Why are you hiding chocolates like a rude cat?

MAN: (annoyed) I was going to give you a few chocolates, but now that you called me a cat again, I don't think I can share with you.

YN: (smiling) Okay, then tell me your name and I won't call you a cat.

MAN: (sighing) My name is Yoongi.

YN: (laughing) Kitty is better than that. (She winks at him)

YOONGI: (glaring) Hey!

YN: (giggling) Okay, okay. My name is YN. So Mr. Yoongi, can you give me the chocolates now? (She asks with cute gestures)

YOONGI: (laughing) Fine, fine. Take as many as you want.

(YN takes chocolate and starts to eat it, smiling with delight)

YN: (smiling) Thank you, Mr. Yoongi.

YOONGI: (smiling) No problem, YN.

The two continue to share the chocolates and talk.

Days have passed and YOONGI has been meeting YN regularly at the park. He forgets all his troubles when he spends time with her and they have become close friends. He receives an invitation from MR. KIM, his business partner, attended an event. YOONGI arrives at the venue, greets MR. KIM and they are catching up. Suddenly, YN runs towards them and hugs MR. KIM.

YN: (excitedly) Yoons kitty, you're here!

MR. KIM: (laughs) YN, do you know YOONGI?

YN: (smiling) Of course, he's my friend. We meet every day in the park.

MR. KIM: (realizing) Oh, so he's the friend you wanted to invite but you didn't know where he lived or his number. (YN nods) Well, he's here now. You two enjoy each other's company. I'll go greet some other guests. (He says this to YOONGI and YN)

YOONGI: (grateful) Thank you, MR. KIM.

MR. KIM leaves YOONGI and YN.

YN drags YOONGI to her room to show him her gifts.

YN: (excitedly) Wait until you see my collection of gifts, it's amazing!

As they enter the room, a boy of YN's age suddenly runs in and hugs her

BOY: (excitedly) Happy birthday, Yniee!

YN: (acting embarrassed) Oh, Kookie, you're embarrassing me! (she slaps her forehead with her palm and shakes her head)

Yoongi: (angrily) Hey, you! (He detaches the boy from YN) Look, boy, you shouldn't touch her like that. Talk to her from a distance, do you get it?

Kookie: (crying loudly) This uncle is scaring me, Yniee!

YN: (trying to calm him down) It's okay, Kookie. He's not scary.

YOONGI: (ignoring the boy's cries) YN, we're leaving.

YN: (hugs the boy) It's okay, Kookie. Stop crying.

YOONGI: (angrily) I can't believe you're defending him. (He turns around and leaves the room, leaving YN and the boy alone)

YN continues to calm the boy down, while YOONGI leaves the party feeling angry and disappointed with YN's actions.

Yoongi had stopped coming to the park, angry at YN's behavior. As he sat in his office, he was caught off guard when YN suddenly burst in, yelling "I hate you, Yoonkitty!"

(Yoongi's secretary and security are taken aback as YN runs towards Yoongi and hides behind him)

YOONGI: (surprised) YN, what are you doing here?

(Security tries to drag YN away, but Yoongi stands up, shouting)

YOONGI: (angrily) Leave her alone!

(Security leaves and Yoongi makes YN sit on the table while he sits on his chair)

YOONGI: (folding his arms) What is this about?

(YN hands him a paper card, on which she has drawn a picture of a man with cat ears and a tail, holding two small piglets girl, with a speech bubble saying "I'm sorry.")

YOONGI: (looking at the drawing with surprise) What is this?

YN: (tearfully) I'm sorry, Yoons kitty. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just got angry when you stopped coming to the park. I didn't know what to do.

YOONGI: (softening) It's alright, YN. I was just hurt too. But this drawing is really cute, thank you.

YN: (smiling) I drew it for you. I wanted to say sorry in my own way.

YOONGI: (smiling) Apology accepted. (He stands up and walks towards her) Come on, let's go get some ice cream.

Yoongi was happy he missed yn . He was smiling time to time while listening to yn's rubbish. He was so happy few mins agot but his whole mood changed when he saw yn shouting kookie and runs to him when they entered into ice cream parlor

" I think i have to do something with this kid"

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