Duality •jin•

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Jin is cooking in the kitchen, surrounded by pots and pans. Yn enters, watching him with admiration.

(surprised) Wow, your dishes are amazing!

(smiling) Thank you, it's all about passion and hard work.

(still admiring) I've always wanted to be a chef, but I don't know where to start.

(taking an interest) I could take you as my student. I see potential in you.

(excited) Really? That would be amazing! Thank you so much, Jin.

(nodding) Of course, I'd be happy to help you achieve your dreams.

As Jin begins to show Yn how to cook, they get lost in the art of food. Time passes quickly, and before they know it, the restaurant is closing.

(smiling) Looks like we got carried away. Thanks for helping me clean up.

(smiling) No problem. I'm just grateful for the opportunity to learn from you.

As they finish cleaning up, Jin looks at Yn with a newfound appreciation. He's never felt this way before, and it scares him. He knows he needs to be careful not to let his feelings get out of control.

(awkwardly) Well, I should get going. See you tomorrow?

(smiling) Absolutely! I can't wait to learn more.

As Yn leaves, Jin can't help but feel a rush of emotions. He's never felt this way before, and he doesn't know how to deal with it. He knows he needs to be careful, but he can't help but be drawn to Yn in a way he's never experienced before

Yn and Jin are cooking together in the kitchen, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

(smirking) I think I'm getting pretty good at this. Don't you think, Chef Jin?

(smiling) You're a natural, Yn. I think you might even be better than me one day.

(teasing) Don't flatter me too much, Chef. I might get a big head.

Jin and Yn continue cooking, and the more time they spend together, the closer they become. They start to share personal stories, hopes and fears, and their relationship deepens.

One day, after a long day in the kitchen, they decide to take a break and go for a walk outside.

(awkwardly) Yn, there's something I need to tell you.

(concerned) What is it, Jin? Is everything okay?

(nervously) I've been feeling something...different lately. Something I can't explain.

(curious) What do you mean?

(sighing) I mean, I've been feeling things for you that I've never felt before. I don't know how to handle it, but I know I don't want to lose you.

(surprised) Jin, I feel the same way. I've been trying to ignore it, but I can't help the way I feel about you.

Jin and Yn embrace, and for the first time, they share a kiss. From that moment on, their relationship blossoms, and they fall deeply in love with each other.

As Jin and Yn continue their work in the kitchen, they can't help but feel that they've found something special. They know they're meant to be together, but little do they know that Jin's dark and toxic disorder is lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to tear their relationship apart


Yn is sitting at a table, sipping her coffee and talking to a man. Jin walks in, and his eyes immediately focus on Yn and the man.

(voice-over) Who is he? Why is she talking to him? Why do I feel this way?

Jin's mind starts to race, and he feels a knot forming in his stomach. He walks up to Yn's table and stands there, observing the man.

(turning to Jin) Can I help you?

(angry, addressing Yn) Who is this guy, Yn?

(surprised) Oh, this is my friend from college. We were just catching up.

Jin's anger subsides a bit, but his demeanor remains tense.

(wary) I see. I thought something else was going on.

(politely) No, we're just friends. My name is Mike, by the way.

(reluctant) I'm Jin. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to be rude.

Mike nods and returns to his conversation with Yn. Jin stands there for a few more seconds, watching them, then turns and leaves the coffee shop.

(voice-over) Why did I feel threatened? Why did I want to hurt him? This isn't me. I need to get a grip on myself


Jin is alone, sitting in his darkened apartment, his thoughts consumed by his split personality. He paces back and forth, trying to keep the darkness at bay.

(voice-over) I can't let this consume me. I need to control it. But how?

Jin's thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. He hesitates for a moment, then walks over and opens it to find Yn standing there, looking worried.

(concerned) Jin, I've been trying to reach you all day. Is everything okay?

(defensive) Why wouldn't it be?

(serious) I saw the way you looked at Mike earlier. I'm worried about you, Jin.

Jin's defenses start to crumble, and he collapses onto the couch, tears welling up in his eyes.

(tearfully) I don't know what's wrong with me, Yn. I'm struggling with this disorder that's consuming me from the inside out.

(softly) What disorder, Jin? You can tell me anything.

(barely audible) I have a split personality. One part of me is kind and gentle, the other is cruel and uncontrollable. I'm scared, Yn. I'm scared I'm going to lose control and hurt someone.

(reassuring) You won't hurt anyone, Jin. I'll be here for you, and we'll figure this out together.

Jin looks at Yn, grateful for her support.

(determined) I want to get better, Yn. For you, and for myself.

As Jin and Yn embracing, Yn's phone suddenly rings, shattering the moment. She pulls away from Jin and answers the phone, her face falling as she listens to the person on the other end.

(tearfully) What? No. How? When?

Jin watches as Yn's face turns pale, her eyes filling with tears. He reaches out to comfort her, but she pulls away.

(accusatory) Did you do this, Jin? Did you hurt Mike?

(defensive) What? No, Yn, of course not. Why would you even think that?

(emotional) I don't know what to think. You have a split personality. How can I be sure it wasn't your other self that did this?

Jin's expression changes, and his demeanor becomes more intense.

(angrily) How dare you accuse me of something like that! I love you, Yn. How could you think I would hurt someone you care about?

(defeated) I don't know what to think, Jin. I'm so scared and confused.

Jin's anger dissipates, and he moves to comfort Yn again. But his embrace is different this time, tighter and more possessive.

(calmly) It's okay, Yn. I'm here for you. I'll protect you, no matter what.

(fearfully) Jin, you're scaring me.

(whispering) Don't be scared, Yn. I'll take care of everything.( Thinks "its so good that you are naive to believe my words)


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