Too Late 2 •pjm•

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Mr. Park Jimin finishes his work, closing his laptop with a sigh of relief. He stretches his tired limbs, preparing to go home . As he walks towards his classroom door, a sudden thought interrupts his movement. A memory of Yn, the student he had been thinking about, floods his mind.

He pauses, his hand resting on the doorknob, as the memory takes hold. It was his birthday, a day that went unnoticed by most. Feeling somewhat dejected, he had arrived at the school, expecting another ordinary day.

But upon entering his classroom, his eyes fell upon a cookie jar adorned with a colorful post-it note. The note read, "Happy Birthday Chimmy," and featured a weird drawing that puzzled him at first. It took a moment for him to realize that the figure had wings, resembling an angel.

A smile plays on Mr. Park's lips as he recalls that special moment. He remembers how the gesture had touched his heart, knowing well that Yn was behind it. 

Lost in the memory, Mr. Park turns around, facing the room once more. He recalls how, as he turned back only caught a glimpse of someone peeking in through the cracked door. Before he can react, the person startles, stumbling and falling with a loud thud.

Jimin chuckles softly, remembering the incident vividly. It was Yn, the same girl who had brightened his birthday. She had been caught off guard, and her clumsiness had landed her in an unfortunate encounter with the school principal.

The memory brings warmth to Jimin's heart, and a whisper escapes his lips.

JIMIN (whispering) I miss her a lot... I hope she comes to school tomorrow.

With that wish lingering in his mind, He left.


Mr. Park drives his car into the school parking lot, his eyes scanning the surroundings. Just as he's about to park, he spots Yn entering the school grounds. A rush of happiness fills him, relieved that she has returned. However, his joy quickly fades as he notices the pale expression on her face. Intrigued, he stops his car for a moment, watching her intently.

Yn walks with her gaze fixed downwards, lost in her own thoughts, clearly still in an upset mood. As Mr. Park observes her, a sudden movement catches his attention. A person approaches Yn from behind, embracing her tightly in a back hug. It's Jun, Yn's best friend, who has been worried about her absence.

Yn, though startled, instantly recognizes Jun without even looking back.

YN (guessing): Yah, Jun, do you think I'm a pillow? Leave me right now.

Jun releases Yn from the hug, his face filled with concern, as he starts to pat her head.

JUN (teasingly): You piggy, I thought you died.

Yn retorts, her voice laced with both annoyance and affection.

YN (stop it): Stop, you monkey. And you're telling me that you missed me?

Jun smiles sheepishly.

JUN (wistfully): Well, I was.

Their conversation quickly escalates into playful banter, their voices growing louder as they exchange words. Their interaction draws the attention of those nearby, and onlookers find their dynamic cute and endearing.

However, Mr. Park's expression darkens as he witnesses the scene. He feels a surge of jealousy and annoyance, unable to contain the fire ignited within him. Without a word, he turns away from the sight


Mr. Park Jimin stands at the front of the classroom, waiting for his students to settle down. The regular school time has already passed, and he grows increasingly impatient. It's time to take attendance, and he begins calling out the names one by one.

MR. PARK (attending): Kim Jisoo? Boo Seungkwan? huh yunjin?

The students respond with a chorus of "here" and "present" as their names are called. Mr. Park continues down the list, but when he reaches Yn's name, there is no response.

MR. PARK (looking around): L/Yn?

Silence hangs in the air, and Mr. Park's brows furrow in concern. He moves on, calling the remaining names, but when he reaches Jun's name, he once again receives no answer.

MR. PARK (slightly frustrated): Moon Junhui?

A sense of realization dawns on Mr. Park. The pieces start to come together in his mind, connecting the dots. He recalls the boy he had witnessed earlier, back hugging Yn outside the school. He had skipped their interaction as a distraction, not paying attention much.

But, the anger within Mr. Park grows as, fueled by his assumption that Yn and Jun are spending time together instead of attending his class. His usual stern expression contorts into a terrifying glare as he scans the room, his gaze settling on the students.

The students, sensing Mr. Park's anger and intensity, grow silent. The atmosphere in the classroom becomes tense, with everyone on edge, unsure of what might happen next

The students, once vibrant and talkative, now sit frozen in their seats, afraid to even breathe too loudly. 


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