Forever Mine 2 •jh•

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Next Day

Mr. and Mrs. Jung sit on the couch, wearing hopeful expressions. Hoseok stands in front of them, eagerly awaiting their news.

MR. JUNG (excitedly): Hoseok, we have some exciting news to share with you.

MRS. JUNG (smiling): Yes, Hoseok. We've been considering the idea of arranging a marriage for you.

Hoseok's eyes widen with anticipation, his heart pounding in his chest.

HOSEOK (worried): Really? Are you serious?

Mr. Jung beams with pride, ready to deliver the next part of the news.

MR. JUNG (grinning): And we've already found the perfect match for you. It's Yn, our dear niece.

HOSEOK (excitedly): Actually, Mom, Dad... I have something to tell you too. I've liked Yn for a long time, and I would be over the moon if she agrees to marry me.

Mr. and Mrs. Jung exchange surprised glances, pleased with their son's confession.

MR. JUNG (happily): That's wonderful to hear, Hoseok. We couldn't be happier about your choice.

Hoseok's face lights up with pure joy, but little does he know the storm that awaits.


Yn sits nervously on the couch, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, concernedly watching her.

MRS. KIM (worried): Yn, dear, what's bothering you? You seem upset about the marriage proposal.

Yn takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding.

YN (uneasy): It's not that, Mom. It's just... I see Hoseok as a brother. We've grown up together, and I can't imagine marrying him.

Mr. Kim furrows his brow, a mix of disappointment and understanding crossing his face.

MR. KIM (sighing): I had a feeling this might be the case. Yn, is there someone else you're in love with?

YN (shaking her head): No, Dad, it's not about anyone else. I genuinely care for Hoseok, but it's a different kind of love. I don't see a romantic future with him.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim exchange glances, silently acknowledging their daughter's feelings.

MR. KIM(sighing): I understand, Yn. It's important to follow your heart. But we should let the Jungs know about your decision. It wouldn't be fair to keep them in the dark.

YN (nodding): I'll talk to Hoseok myself, Dad. I owe him that much


Yn enters Hoseok's office, her expression determined but filled with concern. Hoseok looks up from his work, a mixture of hope and anxiety in his eyes.

HOSEOK (smiling): Yn, what brings you here? Everything okay?

YN (nervously): Hoseok, we need to talk about the wedding. I've been thinking a lot, and I realized I'm just not ready for it.

Hoseok's smile falters, but he tries to remain composed.

HOSEOK (trying to hide his disappointment): I understand, Yn. If you're not ready, I can wait. I want you to be happy, and I don't want to rush into anything.

YN (looking down): Hoseok, it's not just about being ready. It's about us. We can't be together, you know that, right? I've always seen you as my brother, and I can't change those feelings.

Hoseok's clenches his fist under the table.

HOSEOK (maintain composure): I understand, Yn. If that's how you feel, then I respect your decision. I'll inform my parents and let them know not to worry about the wedding.

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