Prince's Painting •jjk•

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The palace gates open, and a line of painters is brought in, one by one, to meet with Jungkook, the prince, and his parents, the King and Queen.

KING: (to Jungkook) My son, we want a beautiful portrait of you for your upcoming ball. Do you have any preferences?

JUNGKOOK: (arrogantly) I want a painting that captures my beauty and power, and if anyone fails to impress me, they will lose their thumb.

PAINTER #1: (nervously) Your highness, I have painted many portraits before. I promise to create something that you will love.

JUNGKOOK: (scowling) That's not enough. Show me your work.

The painter sets up his easel, and the canvas comes to life with each brush stroke. Jungkook watches intently, his eyes flicking back and forth from the canvas to the painter's face.

JUNGKOOK: (disappointed) No, no, no. This is terrible. You have failed to capture my essence.

The painter nervously stammers, "Your highness, I will do better. Please give me another chance."

JUNGKOOK: (snarling) No. You failed. Cut off your thumb.

The painter, shaking with fear, slices off his thumb and presents it to the prince. Jungkook smirks and turns to his parents.


The cycle repeats, with painter after painter presenting their works, and Jungkook relentlessly finding fault with every brush stroke. As the number of thumbs on the table increases, the atmosphere grows darker.

PAINTER #10: (defeated) I cannot do this anymore. Please, your highness, have mercy.

JUNGKOOK: (menacingly) Mercy? I am a prince, and you are nothing. Cut off your thumb, and leave this palace.

The painter, resigned to his fate, slices off his thumb and flees, whimpering.

KING: (uneasily) My son, perhaps we should take a break. We can resume this tomorrow.

JUNGKOOK: (coldly) sure for now but, find the painter who can capture my beauty, no matter how many thumbs I must collect.


Next Day

Jungkook paces back and forth in his chambers, his frustration mounting as no painter arrives for his portrait sitting. His parents, the King and Queen, watch him warily.

KING: (concerned) Jungkook, perhaps we should consider a different approach.

QUEEN: (softly) Your beauty is already renowned throughout the kingdom, my dear. Do we really need to go this far?

JUNGKOOK: (angrily) Yes, we do! My beauty deserves to be captured for all time. And I will not stop until I find the painter who can do it justice.

KING: (tentatively) Perhaps we should reconsider the terms of your challenge. Cutting off a painter's thumb is a severe punishment, and it's possible that it has scared off potential candidates.

JUNGKOOK: (defiantly) I will not be questioned, Father. If the painters cannot meet my standards, then they deserve their punishment.

QUEEN: (pleadingly) Please, my son, think about what you're saying. This is not the way to treat people.

JUNGKOOK: (sneering) People? They are just painters. They should be grateful for the opportunity to paint me.

The King and Queen exchange worried glances as Jungkook storms out of the room.


Jungkook is lost in thought when he hears the commotion outside his chambers. He steps out to find a group of guards dragging a young woman in her twenties, who is struggling to break free.

WOMAN: (defiantly) Let me go! I will not paint for him!

JUNGKOOK: (intrigued) Who is this?

The guards bow low. "Your highness, this is the last painter in our kingdom, and she refuses to paint for you."

Jungkook's eyes rove over the woman's face and form. She is unlike any other woman he has met - fearless, strong-willed, and utterly unafraid.

JUNGKOOK: (impressed) Is that so? And what is your name?

WOMAN: (snapping) I am nobody to you, prince.

Jungkook's lips curve in a smile. "Feisty, I like that. Tell me, why do you refuse to paint me?"

The woman's eyes flash with anger. "I am not a slave to your whims, your highness. And besides, your challenge is barbaric and cruel."

WOMAN: I will not paint for someone like you, who kills innocent people for small mistakes.

Jungkook studies the woman, noting the fire in her eyes and the way she fearlessly stands up to the guards. He feels a twinge of interest, something he hasn't felt with any of the other girls or princesses he's met.

Jungkook is taken aback by her frankness, but he can't help but find it intriguing.

JUNGKOOK: (chuckles) I see. And why is that?

WOMAN: (spitting out the words) You killed my brother. Just because he made a small mistake while working for you.

Jungkook's amusement fades as he remembers the incident. He knows he was in the wrong, but he's never been one to admit it.

JUNGKOOK: (coldly) Well, I suppose you have a point. But you will paint my portrait, whether you like it or not.

WOMAN: (angrily) And if I refuse?

Jungkook leans in close, his voice low and dangerous.

JUNGKOOK: (menacingly) Then I'll have your blood on my hands. Literally. I'll use it to paint my own portrait of you.

The woman glares at him, but she knows she has no choice. She reluctantly agrees to paint his portrait.

JUNGKOOK: (smirking) And again what is your name, my dear?

WOMAN: (coldly) Why does it matter? I'm here to paint, not to make friends.

Jungkook is taken aback by her attitude, but he can't help but be intrigued by this fiery woman. He nods curtly.

JUNGKOOK: (coolly) Very well. Be here tomorrow to paint.


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