Cinderella •kth•

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Mark is sitting in his room, looking at himself in the mirror. He is wearing a white tuxedo, getting ready for the ball. Taehyung enters the room, wearing a black tuxedo.
Mark: "Hey Taehyung, what do you think? Do I look good in this?"

Taehyung: "You look fine, but you're never going to find a suitable bride at this rate."

Mark: "What do you mean? I'm just waiting for the right one to come along."

Taehyung: "That's your problem, brother. You're too picky. I, on the other hand, will have no problem finding a wife tonight."

Mark: (sighs) "I just want to find someone who's kind and genuine, someone who truly loves me for who I am."

Taehyung: (laughs) "You're too idealistic, mark. Love doesn't work that way. It's all about power and wealth. And I have plenty of both."

Mark: (shakes his head) "I'll never understand you, Taehyung. But I hope you'll find happiness in your own way."

Taehyung: (smirks) "Don't worry about me, brother. I'll be just fine."


Yn is shown getting ready for the ball, she is wearing a beautiful dress and is excited to attend the ball.

Yn: (to herself) "I never thought I would get a chance to attend the ball and meet the prince. I hope he likes me."

Fairy Godmother: (appears, waving her wand) "Your wish is my command. You will be the most beautiful woman in the ball tonight. But you must leave before the clock strikes twelve, or you will lose everything."

Yn: "Thank you, Fairy Godmother! I will make the most of this opportunity."


The ball is in full swing, and the music is playing. Mark and Taehyung are both at the ball, searching for a suitable bride among the noble ladies. As they search, they both spot Yn, a poor and humble girl who catches their eye.
Mark: (excitedly) "Who is that girl over there? She is so beautiful."

Taehyung: (jealousy) "She is nobody important, just a commoner."

Mark: (ignores Taehyung) "I have to meet her."

Mark approaches Yn and asks her for a dance, which she accepts with a smile. Taehyung watches with growing jealousy as Mark and Yn dance together, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Yn: (to Mark) "Your highness, you dance very well."

Mark: (smiling) "As do you, my lady. May I know your name?"

Yn: "I am Yn, Your Highness."

Mark: (impressed) "It is a pleasure to meet you, Yn."

Taehyung: (angrily, to himself) "That should have been me dancing with her. She's mine, and I won't let Mark have her."

As the clock strikes twelve, Yn must leave the ball. Mark tries to follow her, but she disappears into the crowd. He finds one of her glass shoes at the entrance and takes it as a keepsake.

Mark: (disappointed) "Yn, wait! Where are you going?"

Yn: (sadly) "I am sorry, Your Highness. I must leave."

Mark: (determined) "I will find you, Yn. I promise."

Mark looks around frantically, but Yn is nowhere to be found. He sees one of her glass shoes on the ground and picks it up, determined to use it to find her.

Mark: (to himself) "I will find you, Yn. No matter what it takes.
Mark continues his search for Yn with the help of her glass shoe. He visits villages and towns, asking locals if they have seen her or know anything about her whereabouts. He faces many setbacks and disappointments, but he doesn't give up hope of finding her.

Mark: (frustrated) "I've searched every village and town in this kingdom, and still no sign of Yn. I won't give up, I'll find her no matter what."


Meanwhile, Taehyung is becoming increasingly obsessed with Yn and desperate to keep her for himself. He starts to use his wealth and influence to try and track her down before Mark can find her.

Taehyung: (to his advisor) "I won't let Mark have her, do whatever it takes to find that girl and bring her to me."

Taehyung's search leads him to a small village on the outskirts of the kingdom where he finds Yn living with her family. He approaches her

Taehyung: (charming) "Yn, my dear, I have been looking for you. I have come to take you away from this humble life and give you the life of luxury you deserve."

Yn: (firmly) "Your Highness, I appreciate your kind words but I cannot accept your offer. I do not love you and I cannot marry you."

Taehyung: (angrily) "You will marry me, whether you like it or not. And if you don't, I will make sure your parents pay the price."

Taehyung, seeing Yn's rejection as a personal insult, becomes furious and killing Yn's parents. threatens Yn about killing Mark also not wanting to put her Mark in danger, reluctantly agrees to go with Taehyung.

Yn: (tearfully) "I will go with you, you already took away my family please do not hurt Mark."

Taehyung: (smirking) "Don't worry, he will be safe as long as you do as I say."


Mark receives word from his knights that they have found Yn and he rushes to see her. When he arrives at Taehyung's palace, he is shocked to see Yn with Taehyung, who has his arm around her waist. Taehyung introduces Yn as his wife with a smirk on his face
Mark: (disbelief) "What is this? Yn, is this true?"

Yn: (tears in her eyes) "I'm sorry, Mark. I had no choice."

Mark is devastated and heartbroken, He leaves the palace with a heavy heart

Yn:. Sobs

Taehyung: "stop crying and always remember that your only mine"

Then he drags her to hell

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