Monster - 2 •RM•

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Namjoon stands triumphantly over Yn, her children, and her defeated husband.

I told you I'd have you. Now you're all mine.

Yn looks up at Namjoon with fear and disgust.

I will never be yours. I am not a prize to be won.

Namjoon slaps Yn hard across the face.

(grabs Yn's hair)
You will learn to respect me, woman.

Yn winces in pain as Namjoon drags her towards a room.

(to his henchmen)
Take the children to their rooms.

The henchmen nod and lead the children away.

Namjoon pushes Yn into a room and locks the door behind them.


Namjoon enters the room and looks at Yn with lust in his eyes.

I've waited so long for this moment.

You will never have me. I will never love you.

Namjoon approaches Yn, grabbing her forcefully.

Oh, you will love me. You will learn to love me.

Yn struggles against Namjoon's grasp, but he overpowers her, throwing her onto the bed.

Please, Namjoon. Let us go. We've done nothing to you.

(towering over Yn)
You are my enemies. That is enough.

He begins to unbutton Yn's blouse.

No! Get off of me!

Namjoon ignores her pleas and continues to take advantage of her.


The children huddle together in their rooms, frightened and confused.

Why did they take us here?

Jae ho
He's a monster. He hurted our father

That's because of your mother. Your mother loves me so she told me to Remove your dad.

Min ju
No no she loves my father

Well my dear min ju she gave me the plan.

Jae hu
I hate her. Can you help us.

Ofcourse my child

Jae hu
Please send us to the states where our uncle is.

(Nods) ok my children now sleep.

(to himself)
This is just the beginning.

He goes to his room and lays beside yn who is unconscious. He falls asleep, his twisted victory leaving him feeling powerful and invincible


Namjoon sits at his desk, scribbling notes and scheming. He looks up and sees Yn standing in the doorway, her eyes red from crying.

Ah, Yn. Come in, come in. I was just thinking of you.

Yn walks in, her eyes fixed on Namjoon's face.

What have you done to my children?

Namjoon's smile fades and he stands up, towering over Yn.

What do you mean? They're in the United States, studying. It's what any good father would do.

You poisoned their minds against me! They hate me now.

Namjoon's eyes narrow, and he grabs Yn's arm tightly.

Yn pulls her arm away.

Please, Namjoon. Let us go. We don't want to be here.

Namjoon shakes his head, a look of determination on his face.

No. You're mine now. And I won't let you go.

Yn looks at Namjoon with a mixture of fear and hatred before turning and running out of the room.

Yn sits on her bed, sobbing uncontrollably. Namjoon enters, a malicious smile on his face.

Oh, Yn. Stop crying. It won't change anything.

Yn looks up at Namjoon, her eyes red and puffy.

(voice trembling)
Please, Namjoon. I beg of you. Let us go.

Namjoon's smile fades, and he steps closer to Yn.

You should know better than to beg me for anything. You're mine now, and I'll do with you as I please.

Yn looks at Namjoon with fear knowing that she is trapped in a nightmare with no escape.

You're a monster.

Namjoon leans in close to Yn, his hot breath on her face.

Yes, I am. And you have to love me for it. It's time for own kids babe.

They are going to love you not like that of bastard's children.

Yn's eyes widened and only screams came out of the room.

Yandere BTS One-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें