Pure Evil 2 •thv•

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Taehyung felt his blood boil as he burst into the room, only to find Tae Ho and YN sleeping cozily next to each other. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. How dare Tae Ho lay a hand on her like that! Without thinking, he shouted, "YOU BASTARD, HOW DARE YOU!"

The commotion drew the attention of Mr. and Mrs. Kim, who quickly rushed into the room. However, when they saw the two sleeping figures, their anger melted away into a wave of adoration. "Oh, they look so cute together!" Mrs. Kim exclaimed, her heart swelling with love.

But Taehyung was not amused. He charged towards the bed, pushing Tae Ho away with a force that sent him tumbling to the floor. "Don't even think about touching her again!" Taehyung roared, his voice filled with rage. Tae Ho began to cry, his sobs echoing throughout the room.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim rushed over to comfort their son, their faces twisted with concern. "Have you gone mad? What if he gets hurt?" Mr. Kim shouted at Taehyung, his voice laced with anger.

But Taehyung spat "I don't care!", his eyes blazing with anger. didn't care. He snatched Yn from the bed and stormed out of the room, his heart pounding with fury. "I'll never let anyone close to her again."


 Mr. and Mrs. Kim were worried about yn, but Taehyung refused to let anyone else into his room. He had been avoiding his parents and keeping little YN all to himself for days now, thinking that he knew best how to take care of her. But  One night, YN began to cry uncontrollably. Taehyung tried everything to soothe her, but nothing seemed to work. As he held her close, he could feel her body burning up with a fever. Panic set in as he realized he didn't know what to do. Mrs. Kim heard the cries and rushed to help, calming Taehyung as he was too worried about Yn to think about anything else. Finally, they decided to take her to the hospital, but when they got there, they found out that there were no hospitals nearby.

They raced through the dark streets, desperately searching for a hospital. Taehyung's heart was pounding with fear as he held YN close. He wished he could heal her, but he knew he couldn't. Finally, they arrived at the hospital and the doctor examined YN as Taehyung watched through tear-filled eyes. The doctor told him that it was just a fever, caused by Yn's diaper not being changed for a long time, Due wetness and cold.

As Taehyung and his mom were making their way back home, Mrs. Kim took the opportunity to explain to him about Yn's. She told him how Yn is still small for her age she needed extra care. Taehyung listened intently, realizing that he could be the one to protect her from anyone who might try to hurt her.

But then a thought crossed his mind - what if Yn get sick? Would he be able to protect her then? He knew he had to do something.

With a determined sigh, he turned to his mother and announced that he wanted to become a doctor. Mrs. Kim was taken aback by her son's sudden declaration, but she couldn't help but feel proud of him. Little did they know what lay ahead for Taehyung and Yn, but one thing was for sure - Taehyung was ready to do whatever it takes for yn.


After the incident that happened with Yn, Taehyung knew that he had to become a doctor to protect her from any harm or sickness. He left to study abroad and it was a long and challenging journey for him. Despite the distance, Taehyung always made sure to keep in touch with Yn through video calls and phone calls.

Meanwhile, Yn was growing up to be a beautiful and healthy young girl. Mrs. Kim made sure to give her all the care and attention she needed, treating her like a princess. Every year, they would celebrate Yn's birthday grandly, and Taehyung would always send her lots of gifts that she loved.

Finally, after more than five years, Taehyung returned home as a licensed doctor. He was now a bulky and handsome man, ready to protect Yn from anything. As he entered his home, he saw Yn running towards him, giggling with joy. He lifted her up in the air, feeling the warmth of her embrace, and he knew that he had missed her more than anything. After greeting everyone, Taehyung was excited to spend time with Yn and catch up on all that he had missed while he was away.

It was Yn's sixth birthday, and Taehyung couldn't wait to see the smile on her face when she cut her cake. He had missed so many of her birthdays while he was away studying, and now that he was finally back, he wanted to make it up to her. He was standing outside her room with her parents, eagerly waiting for the clock to strike twelve so they could surprise her.

As soon as the clock struck twelve, they burst into her room, expecting to see her sleeping soundly. However, they were shocked to find that she was not there. They searched the room but couldn't find her. Worried, they went to Taeho's room, knowing that the two of them were inseparable.

To their surprise, they found Yn and Taeho sleeping peacefully on the sofa, surrounded by snacks and video game controllers. Mrs. Kim chuckled and said, "Looks like these two played video games till they fell asleep again." But Taehyung's expression turned sour at the sight of them. He was already angry that Taeho was getting so close to Yn, and now he found out that they had sneaked into his room to spend time together.

Mrs. Kim tucked Yn in with a blanket, and they left the room. But Taehyung stayed behind, glaring at the sleeping figure of Taeho. He knew that he had to keep a closer eye on him from now on, especially when it came to Yn's safety.

Taehyung had been waiting for Yn's arrival all evening. He had put so much thought into the perfect gift for her, something that would make her eyes light up with joy. But as the minutes ticked by, Yn was nowhere to be seen. Taehyung's heart sank as he began to fear the worst.

Suddenly, the room erupted in cheers as Yn made her grand entrance. She was wearing a beautiful pink barbie dress and looked absolutely adorable. Taehyung's heart swelled with pride as he watched her approach the birthday cake.

Everyone gathered around as Yn blew out the candles and took the first piece of cake. But to Taehyung's dismay, she didn't take a bite herself. Instead, she fed the cake to Taeho, who was standing beside her with a smug grin on his face.

Taehyung's disappointment was palpable as he watched the scene unfold. He had been so excited to share this special moment with Yn, but she seemed more interested in Taeho's company.

Feeling invisible and ignored, Taehyung quietly slipped out of the party.


Taeho is sound asleep when suddenly his room door opens. He rubs his eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness, and calls out to whoever entered.

" Hyung "

It's Taehyung, who enters the room with a belt in his hand.

Taeho is confused and tries to sit up, but Taehyung approaches him quickly and stands over him, making it clear he's not going anywhere.

Later Loud screams came out from the room.









Sorry for late update guys and there is one more part.....

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