Chapter 1

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Fuck fuck fuck! My heart was pounding in my chest and my lungs burned. I ran as fast as I could through the red district trying to get as far away as I could. Turning into an alley I slowed to a stop and leaned over with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.

Bright neon lights flashed from the street behind me, giving some light to the dark alley. My hair was in a sloppy ponytail, and falling apart with strands sticking to my forehead along with the sweat across my skin.

Moving to lean back against one of the building walls I looked up to the sky…well… not really a sky… more or less just the wiring, pipes and metal plating of the red district's dome. This area couldn't afford something fancy like hologram reflectors that would mimic the night sky on earth. Just like how I couldn't afford to get caught right now…

Looking down I lifted my bloodied hands and trembled a little. Fuck…it wasn't my fault!

Tears started to burn my eyes but I fought them back, I can't break down crying…not here not now…

Pulling off my coat I tried to wipe off as much of the blood on my hands as I could, before throwing the old torn jacket in a dumpster. I stared at the container wishing it would just catch on fire and burn away any evidence. Wishing that I could just go home like none of this ever happened…

Maybe it's just a dream, and this isn't real…I'll just pinch myself and wake up from this cursed nightmare…

That bastard would have never touched me, we never would have gotten into that fight, he never would have fallen down that flight of stairs. I never would have been seen sitting by his dead mangled body with his blood on my hands…

Shaking my head I grabbed at my hair and yelled. "fuckkk!"

I'm screwed…absolutely screwed. I have nowhere to run, nowhere to go. The guards are probably turning my apartment upside down already and scouring the red district for me… ha… no matter what I do I'll be caught. I'm trapped on Krosa with little hope of escaping…

There's cameras everywhere and nowhere to hide. Why did I ever think that joining the colonization mission was a good idea? I should have just stayed on homeworld in my tiny shack in the slums…

Now here I am trapped in an orbital habitat running for my life. If the authorities catch me i'm done for, they are already set on the idea im a murderer, even if I get a trial they'll still mark me a guilty just so they could get rid of another unnecessary body.

I'm dead no matter what I do… I started laughing hysterically at my situation while slumping against the metal wall behind me. Fuck my life…fuck this colony…fuck the empire and all those prissy politicians and their fucked up idea of justice…

A subtle familiar tone caught my attention from the street and I paused, before wiping any tears from my eyes, refusing to let them fall. across the street a news hologram was playing.

'it's been made official that after Keith asmora's unfortunate passing last year his successor and only daughter alita asmora has returned to the political world and has declared that she will be continuing her fathers work in restoring power to the commoners of krosa, with this she will also be continuing to work towards the very controversial abolishment of the penal colony of xanadis. Although it is unknown at this time whether the penal colony policies will be terminated, her representative has assured all of krosa that they will be working towards the issue within the next few days…'

Abolish the penal colony? I watched the news broadcast intently from the edge of the alleyway. Could they really do that? Numerous people continued walking through the street, hardly paying attention to the news.

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