Chapter 19

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–a few hours later–


Such a strange creature… are all humans like this? Shortly after her attempt to speak to me the small female pulled away and moved a good distance from me to rest. 

I was glad she wasn't trying to run from me again but she is intent on isolating herself away from me. She is still wary of me despite my lack of action towards her. I'm sure if she wasn't injured she would've already tried to leave to return to her home whatever that may be. 

My attempts to speak with her since she muttered a few words in my language have been met with silence and strange looks. It's clear she doesn't seem to understand much but it has left me curious as to how she understands anything in my language and who might be taught her.

The lack of communication has left us in an armistice of sorts. She has been keeping a close eye on me as I occupy myself with checking over my things and trying to come up with a plan. 

I need to scavenge for some food for the both of us before nightfall but I've been worried that she may attempt to leave while I'm gone and risk hurting herself more in the process.  

I watched the human stir uncomfortably in her spot near the large stones, trying to get comfortable while doing her best to avoid putting pressure on her wounds. She mumbled something unintelligible to herself in frustration. She seemed much like a child fighting off sleep with little success.

It's been nearly an entire day since I provided her with medicine to help with the pain and I'm expecting its numbing effects to wear off soon. When that happens I'm sure she will need more, leaving me with another reason to leave her.

Glancing back over my shoulder I could see the female was laying on her back next to the boulder with her eyes shut. Had she fallen asleep? My tail twitched slightly and I cautiously moved from my sitting position, into a crouch.

Until now she has been set on keeping an eye on me much as I have her though I seem to be a lot more subtle with my observations. Seeing no movement from the female I decided now was my chance to get the things I needed without having to worry about her. 

Slowly and quietly I made my way out of the area, stepping on stones and avoiding outlying branches and ferns until I was sure I wouldn't wake her. I just needed to gather a few herbs and food for the female before returning to her side. 

Walking through the forest I made my way back to the devil-cat the small human had fought off the night before. It would be a shame to let its pelt go to waste. and perhaps I could scavenge food from it as well if scavengers hadn't already torn into it. Whether her hunt was intentional or not, she killed the beast on her own, it would only be right to claim its pelt and a trophy from the kill.

As I approached the area I found the body surrounded by tree dwellers who were happily feasting from the feline's corpse through a hole torn in its neck. Quickly stepping over I shooed the critters away, waving my arms and tail around until they all scattered and climbed back up the trees. 

I quickly found my spear that I had left behind and noticed movement next to the body. Looking closely at the abnormal bundle of cloth before me that looked to be some kind of rucksack. I could see the tail of a tree dweller sticking out from within it as the creature dug around inside.

Grabbing the sack from the bottom I lifted it up, dumping the contents and small critter out onto the ground. It screeched then quickly skittered away, climbing up a tree to disappear into the leaves. 

Looking over the items on the ground I hardly recognized any of them and was unsure of their purpose. I remembered seeing the female carrying this bag around the first time we met but I didn't know what could have been inside.

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