chapter 42

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Scrubbing my arms clean of dirt I couldn't help but think of the events that took place prior to us coming to the river. Kora was  such a radiant woman and always baffled me with her sincerity and understanding.

Lifting my head I looked around at the treeline checking for any kind of movement before looking back over my shoulder at the small female.

It was mesmerizing to see her standing bare naked in the stream as she bent over washing her long dark hair. Seeing her comb her fingers through the wet strands made my hands itch to feel her mane.

The desire to gently run my hands through her hair and weave a braid was so strong. But I'm not sure if she's ready for that. Looking down to my hands I thought about our past experiences. 

Kora was unlike any woman I've ever met. She was willing to risk getting hurt for my sake and often comforted me when I was distressed. She's shown little to no distaste with my appearance or actions despite how often I fail to show my worth. She even took it upon herself to pleasure me after I had done so for her. Usually female's don't do that until after the hunt…

Was it somehow enjoyable for her? She didn't get upset when I spilled my seed down her throat. I almost panicked a bit fearing I had hurt her in the process. She is just so small… yet she doesn't seem the least bit phased.

Perhaps I am mistaken on how humans interact? They seem so similar to our own kind that it's hard for me to see kora as anything but one of us. Some of her antics and behaviors are strange but being around her for so long I've gotten used to it… almost.

Maybe humans court differently? I've never seen another human female before so I've never truly gotten a chance to see how one would react to a male. Maybe grabbing one's intimate parts such as horns is a way of greeting? No that can't be, she threw a tantrum when we first met and I touched her chest…

Closing my eyes with a sigh I ran one hand through my hair as my tail swayed in the water behind me.

What if human mating rituals are also done differently? 

I hesitated and glanced back at the female behind me. Water droplets fell from her wet strands of hair trailing down her pale body before returning to river current. She's even beautiful in the moonlight.

 Stepping closer and Reaching forward I took a lock of her hair into my fingers, lifting it up to admire the glistening strands and how soft they were. She must go through a lot of effort to take care of her mane to keep it so perfect.   

Leaning down I brought the strand up to my nose to inhale her scent. My eyes closed as I took in the sweet aroma mixed with the river water.

"Kora, does your kind…do they mate differently?"

Looking back to me I could see the surprise in her features as she noticed my proximity. "Look if this is about the blow job, that's just something humans do to have a little fun! It's not some kind of mating ritual or anything!" She chuckled nervously, waving her hands in front of her in a strange motion.

Shaking my head I moved my hand to her cheek and grabbed her hip with the other to pull her closer. "I mean what do humans do to court…I am lost as to where we are with- this?" I wasn't sure how to describe our relationship thus-far.

Kora was quiet as she stood before me, her mouth opened and closed once or twice before she swallowed and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around my torso in an embrace. "You big moron…"

I gazed down at the small human confused as she held onto me for a few minutes before finally pulling away with a giggle. "Was the foreplay and blowjob not a good enough answer?" 

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