Chapter 13

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I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. A strange female was standing before me hunting out in the forests alone. Usually this wouldn't be shocking nor concerning but something was off about her.

Her eyes were dark in color much darker than they should be, sure everyone has different shades of silver eyes if these were…different. I couldn't tell if it was because of the lack of light around us or if it was something else. 

She had a short stature that also sparked my curiosity as well.sure females could be smaller than us but she was barely taller than a youngling who could finally initiate their first hunt. The only reason I knew she wasn't a youngling was because of the maturity of her body. She also lacked any kind of traditional hairpieces signifying she was still under the protection of her sire. 

However she did wear some strange cloths that I didn't recognize to be from any of the nearby tribes.

As soon as she turned to face me I could tell something was off about her, she looked…scared. I also wonder how she didn't notice my presence beforehand and why she seemed so desperate to claim her kill. She has no way to carry a venshal back to her tribe, why was she even hunting this creature alone?

Her posture was defensive and I didn't dare move since she looked like she might bolt any second. 

I watched her closely and suddenly noticed something about her. Her hair was let down and there wasn't a single braid or tie. She has no mate.

She took a few hesitant steps back and on instinct I stepped forward. I know I'm scaring her but I can't help it, there's just something about her. I need to calm her down and speak with her, figure out where she comes from. Maybe I can help her, and gain her favor…

"friend" I adjusted myself to show more confidence and dropped my weapon. "Friendly" Once she realizes I'm not an enemy then I could help her return to her tribe with the venshal, I could talk to her and learn her name. She was quite intriguing, and I'm impressed by her hunting skills already.

This could be a second chance for me. I can do it right this time, I know I can. My tail flicked around behind me excitedly. I watched her closely as she seemed to only get more nervous and even crouched down. Why is she so scared? Does she not understand this areas language does she-

I watched her carefully and paused, seeing something off about her. She's missing her tail?

 Opening my mouth to speak again I was stopped when a handful of dirt was tossed in my eyes. I stumbled back slightly and quickly tried to clear my vision. 

I barely managed to crack one eye open to see the female taking off into the forest. She's running away?!

Without another second of hesitancy I chased after her and did my best to clear my vision as I gave chase. Why is she so scared?! I tried calling out to her to get her to stop but she just kept running. 

She wasn't nearly as fast as she should have been but her small size made it easier for her to dodge and weave through thick foliage and underneath obstacles that were in the way.

She suddenly took a sharp turn towards the river much to my dismay. She can't be thinking of crossing?! Sure enough she found a shallow part of the river and rushed to the other side before stopping to look back at me. 

"Please stop! I'm a friend!" I showed out at her panicked. Is she crazy!? That part of the forest is dangerous and forbidden for a reason should she come across the drakov borders she'll be in danger. 

Instead of stopping she rushed down the treeline no doubt looking for an area to get through and I quickly went after her.

She found a small burrow that must have been dug out by animals and crawled inside. Faux! She's going to get herself killed!

She slipped into the small burrow with ease with her small frame but I was quick in getting down to the ground and grabbing her foot. I tried to speak up again to make her cease this resistance. "Please, I mean no harm!" 

My frame was much too large to fit anything more than my arm and head into the small space. But that would be enough to drag her out, I just need to get her to calm down an-

As I started pulling her back towards me she twisted in my hold and my eyes widened as her foot coverings came into view before coming into contact with the top of my head right against my horn. The blow sent a major jolt of pain through my head and my grip on the female's foot was lost.

I snarled in response to the pain and grabbed my head squeezing my eyes shut with a gunt of pain. Faux that hurt!

Opening my eyes I could see the female crawling away deeper into the tunnel and I cursed to myself.

Pulling myself out of the hole I looked at the wall of tree roots blocking off the treeline of the forest. Without wasting another second I started climbing. It took much longer than I hoped to get over the blockade but I finally got to the other side and found the other entrance to the tunnel.

Crouching down to look inside I saw no signs of the female. She had already made her way out. I looked on the ground for tracks from her foot coverings and found a few imprints left behind by her. I followed the tail further into the forest but soon stopped as I came across the Drakov borders.

Markers lined the tree's made of bones, feathers, and beads. It was a warning that if anyone tresspasses then their life would be forfeit. 

I looked between the tracks I was following at the markers. Faux! Why would she come here…if the Drakov finds her she'll be killed…or worse.

I took a few steps back away from the border. I shouldn't even be on this side of the river, if I'm found I'll be used as one of their grotesque sacrifices. My tail whips around behind me anxiously. I absently rubbed my horn atop my head that she had kicked, the pouring headache I had now dulled into little more than a nuisance.

So many questions wracked my mind about the strange female. Everything from the way she looked to how she acted seemed off. 

I just wanted to speak with her nothing more, is rather break my own horns off than cause the storage female harm so why-

Why is she out here…

Growling I turned back to the river and started making my way home. I was questioning everything I saw with that female. Why was she running into drakov territory, why was she hunting alone, what were those strange cloths she wore? They didn't match any of the traditional clothing of the nearby tribes. Also where was her tail? 

I initially thought it might've just been small or hidden in the dark but as I chased her I noticed it was just completely gone, as well as her horns. She was also scared of me…no not scared. Terrified. But why-

Suddenly everything came to a halt as a sudden thought came to mind.  

Is she an exile?... 

I glanced back at the forest where the girl went. 

If she was banished from her tribe it would explain a few things. It would explain her fear of me. It would explain why she's alone and doesn't have any clothing showing what tribe she belongs to. Because she has no tribe.

Perhaps she has a shelter nearby the Drakov territory. Maybe she was banished because she is deformed? Her missing horns and tail could be from something like that, but there's also the chance they were severed from her body by those who pushed her away…

The idea made my blood boil. Cutting the horns and tail off someone is the most painful and extreme punishment imaginable. To think someone could do such a thing to a female. What reason could a tribe have to banish her?  Even if she was born deformed that's not a good enough cause to completely abandon one of their own no matter how strict their traditions or beliefs may be…

I stared at the forest in deep thought. How much has she had to suffer through living on her own? Without a tribe or a home. Without a mate to care for her…

Looking at my hand I noticed a powdery black substance on my palm that seemed to come off the female. Sniffing it I was a bit surprised by the scent of charcoal mixed with the strange sweet smell of the female.

I'll remember this scent…next time we meet I won't let you run. I muttered to myself as I reluctantly returned to the forest across the river.

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