chapter 54

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(Sexual content rating: 🔥 🔥 🔥)

(Warning this chapter makes mention of somnophilia, IT IS CONSENSUAL, your reading an alien book this is practically monster shut! Don't read if you can't handle it!!!) (For those of you who can, I hope you enjoy~) 4,669 words 😉

(Ps. I have a poll on my inkitt going on at the moment where I need help designing a new alien species so head over there and vote for what you wanna see! Wings, tails, horns, tentacles etc…)


I awoke with a start, my heart pinned in my chest as I came to realize I was completely unable to move. As I opened my eyes and the rest of my senses came to life I was overwhelmed by everything. 

I couldn't move, I smelt smoke  and my eyes were forced to adjust to the light of a campfire. Sounds of the night filled my ears as I reigned in my awareness and took in the situation.

I'm bound, It's dark, And I am still paralyzed. 

Wait, still? I thought back to what happened before I seemingly blacked out and it hit me as the realization of my situation hit me. Kora. 

I tried to move in an attempt to break free but could barely flex my fingers that were tied behind my back. A deep growl resonated through my chest as I grit my teeth. 

"Look who's finally awake." Looking off to the side I found kora sitting a few feet away snacking on some berries by the campfire. Copied up in her clothes and the furs from my den. 

She was still here!? She chose to stay here instead of fleeing the first chance she had? Why, why would she still be here so close to me when I am meant to hunt her- 

Realization quickly dawned on me. 

She never intended to run.

"I figured the powder wouldn't last too long. I just used it as a precaution while I secured you since I wasn't sure how effective the poison would be. Luckily for me it seems to have done the trick!"

Kora happily came over and crouched in front of me.

My fingers barely twitched with the urge to pounce her right there and then surging through my muscles. She was so close, close enough to grab but my body refused to move. I can't believe She tricked me. She planned this and I fell for it just as she wanted. 

Kora reached out to push a strand of hair out of my face with a big smile gracing her lips and I growled quietly. "Is the big bad hunter upset?" She teased. 

My eye twitched as she teased me with a berry and giggled. "Come on, don't be too mad, you said I could use any means necessary."

As much as I wanted to tell her this was wrong and unfair, I knew it wasn't. I was the one who put such skills and weapons in her hands. Of course she would use them against me.  

Closing my eyes I sighed. "That I did…" 

Kora chuckled before moving to sit beside me and leaned against me. "You still can't move can you? I guess that poison is gonna take a while to wear off, That means you're not gonna be able to catch me before sunrise and I'll win this little hunt right? What's my prize for winning?

"There is no 'prize' you will simply be able to claim that you succeeded in evading capture during our hunt. Should you last till morning…" I mumbled that last part while staring ahead frustrated at my current circumstance.

"So I get bragging rights… sounds good enough to me!" She jumped to her feet and I watched her stretch her arms above her head and proudly stand before me. "They'll call me Kora the great! The human who bested xanadis's best hunter!" 

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