Chapter 12

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Running through the trees I tried my best to stay silent as possible before stopping and crouching down to catch my breath. 

I could barely travel without becoming completely exhausted in just a few paces. I guess the fatigue is finally getting to me. I need to get food, proper food, not just the fruit and lizards I've been surviving off of for the past few weeks. 

I inspected my makeshift now once more. This is the only chance I have to get proper food that would keep me alive for at least another week.

If I fail this hunt I'm not sure what I'll do. I haven't had any kind of food in two days and can feel myself getting weaker if I don't get my strength back then…then…

Shaking my head I took a deep breath. No it won't come to that. I've been through too much to give up now. It took many attempts but I finally finished my bow, I can hunt bigger prey and sustain myself. I just need to push myself harder only then will I make necessary progress. 

After mentally preparing myself I got back up and continued my run through the forest. I laid the bait out, set up my ambush point and tracked this creature 

for days, noting their specific behaviors and movements. If i'm correct, and if it's there then there's no way i'll fail.

As I approached the area I slowed my pace and became much more careful with my movements. I specifically prepared this area, setting up plants that could cover my smell, stones that would hide my tracks and a spot for me to creep close enough to the open space to take the shot. Everything is perfect.

Carefully tiptoeing on each stone I moved closer to the target area until I reached the thick foliage. Once I was close enough I got down and crawled under the low hanging shrubbery being careful not to agitate the bushes and alert any potential prey. 

Soon enough I got to the blind spot I had set up and sure enough through the foliage I could see it. A six legged deer like creature grazing on the sweet grass I had planted as bait. My heart was racing as I carefully got my bow ready and notched my single arrow. 

As I took aim however I noticed there was some foliage that could thwart my arrow with the angle I was at. Carefully I moved to the side just slightly. I had barely even moved, taking a single step in the process but I flinched at the sound of a small twig snapping under my foot, and immediately froze as the deer looked up towards me.

I didn't move a muscle as it blankly stared at my hiding spot looking for any kind of movement. Very slowly I pulled back the bow string and prayed to whatever gods were out there that it didn't snap after all the tests in run.

The deer didn't move, didn't dart away. Taking a shaky breath I pulled the string back a little further and let the arrow fly. 

The sudden screech from the creature and thud as it fell to the ground surprised me the most. I hit it. I actually hit it.

It kicked a few times in a attempt to stand up and i almost stopped breathing when it nearly did, only to relax once it collapsed back on the ground and the poison did its thing.

I did it… I can't believe I actually did it!

Forgetting any rules for stealth and safety I had made for myself prior I rushed out of my hiding spot and over to the dead creature. My entire body was buzzing with excitement at my new aspect.

I had successfully hunted a larger creature, this would be enough food to last me a week, maybe more! I won't have to sleep hungry. I could make myself a new fur blanket and tools I actually managed to hunt something! I had half expected I would need to chase tmit down after I shot it, because I thought the poison would take longer but it went down so quickly.

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