Chapter 22

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Morning came quickly and by the time the first sun started to rise, all the glowing plants and shimmering water seemed to return to normal. It was baffling how their unearthly glow just disappeared, along with all the fireflies in the area. 

I never saw the river or any other part of the forest change in such a way in all the weeks I've lived out here, so why is this area so different? 

During the night, 'Elazar' as he calls himself took it upon himself to add to my little notebook a few depictions and words that I didn't know. Some I was able to easily identify and understand, others I did not. 

He drew pictures of a few plants around us and even went as far as crushing up flowers petals and other things to use as color pigment for better imagery. Who could've knew these 7ft tall natives were fucking pro's at drawing.

Elazar's pictures made from charcoal, berries and plant leaves could put some of earth's best artists to shame.

Through these images he showed me that the small white flowers growing on some of the vines, somehow deters most animals and predators away from this area. He also added some landmarks to the map I had, including the location we were at. We were surprisingly close to the river, meaning it wouldn't be very hard for me to return home.

Along with the extra vocabulary lessons he also returned my clothes to me. Unfortunately they had more than a few extra holes torn into them, leaving my shirt practically in tatters. I'll have to try sewing them closed the best I can once I get back home. At least the shorts aren't completely destroyed, just the buttons were broken off…

For such a large brutish alien, Elazar seems like a really gentle soul. He's been avoiding certain things that set me off or make me uncomfortable while also checking over my injuries. 

It's kinda strange how they seem to look even better than they did yesterday when I woke up, I could've sworn they were a lot worse and life-threatening. Maybe I only passed out when I was attacked because I was so exhausted? But I swore it felt like I was dying…even now I can remember  that sense of impending doom looming over my shoulder.

I've gotta stop thinking about it, it's not helping my state of mind, and i'm still mentally drained from all the shit that's happened to me in these past few weeks.

As I awoke this morning I also couldn't help but notice Elazar's strange behavior. He seemed a little anxious and kept pacing, with his tail swiping the air behind him blindly. How do these guys not cut themselves with those things?

He kept looking to the forest as if contemplating something, while also glancing at me every now and then. I should probably go home now that I generally know the way, and my injuries won't hold me back. But what about him?

Should I take him with me like a lost puppy? Would he even follow me? I kinda doubt he would turn rabid if I tried to leave, and attempt to kill me, but he may still try to stop me. Either way, we can't stay camped out here forever. I'm sure he has a tribe he needs to return to and I need some proper shelter. As beneficial as it is to have him around it's probably not very safe for either of us. 

Sighing I sat on a large rock poking at the first with a stick. After a moment Elazar finally seemed to come to a conclusion with his own inner turmoil and came over crouching down in front of me.

I looked at him questioning me as he eye'd me with a very serious face. "Kora, aym ku ke'et."  

Arching a brow I just stared at him, having zero clue as to what he just said. He seemed to realize this as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a groan and looked away, trying to come up with a different way to explain himself. 

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